Chapter 3 (Not Good. Part 1 & 2)

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3rd Person

Kurai sighed in relief as the village they were going to appeared up ahead.Kurai and Kuro had gotten their after leaving Suna 5 hours before.Kuro had started complaining after five minutes of walking. She couldn't help it she thought at the time 'Im just lazy'. So she then just decided to jump on her older brothers back hoping he would carry her the rest of the way. Kurai,not being able to say no, ended up carrying her the 4 hours and 55 minutes they had left. She had fallen asleep after 2 hours of pointing out everything they passed.

Kurai looked around the village.It was indeed very festive. It was'nt very safe but he had to do some bissiness here with a freind.Kurai then decided that Kuro would be safer walking around the village then with him, so he woke her up.Kuro didnt like being woken up,she never did.So when her older brother decided to wake her up by shaken her,she acted impusivly and head butt him.Which just made both of their heads hurt.Kurai just laughed and ruffled Kuro's hair.

"So whatcha wake me for?" Kuro said after she was put on the ground considering she was on Kurai's back.

"Were here.I need to go do something with a friend,so you should look around a bit."Kurai replied.He knew she would need some money incase she wanted to get anything and it was around dinner time so he handed her about 59,000 yen ,thinking it was enough.

(A/N This is about 739 US Dollars o.o)

"Here.You should buy yourself something to eat while your at it too..Watch out for furoosha too" Kurai said then walked away.


Sorry.Part two should be longer but I at least wanted to update

Ahh I'm adding part 2 to this part and changing the chapter title :)

It makes things easier


Kurai's P.ov

After I gave Kuro her money i quickly walked away. I just hoped she would'nt waste it all on junk food and candy.I passed multiple kids and other little shops on my wat to go meet Utakata,an old friend of mine.But as I was passing by it seemed as though their was less and less people with each step i took till there was'nt anybody at all.As I walked closer to the stand I felt my self almost overcome with bloodlust as I stared at the scene behind the behind the little shack.There on the floor was what used to be a women ,it was I strips and shards all over the floor.

There was blood pooling out the stand.If you looked closely you could see blood splattered on the masks the women must've sold.The only thing that bothered me was her head.Her head was the only body part still in one peice.Her face is what bothered me though.Well more like the abcense of a face.It was just blank there.Like the face was wiped away.I touched the women's forehead using the power of the beats inside of me to see how she died

...***********Um sorta flashback.Its just the last moments before the lady died o.o*************...

The women was about to close up after she was finished cleaning a mask she hasn't sold over the past six years.It was an orange oval shaped mask with a sort of swirl on it. There was only one eye hole which the swirls seemed to come from.As she put it up on the shelf there was a rattling sound on her door.As soon as she opened it there was a blast of cold wind and she fell unconscious but not before she caught a glimpse of the colander on the wall.

July 3

.....*********flashback lady thingy end!.***.*****

I was actually not that bothered by how the women ended up since ive seen worst,but what bothered me was the fact that July 3 was two weeks ago and the women had only died about an 1 hour ago at then most since the blood was still slightly warm.This was not good,not good at all.I had to take Kuro now and leave.I would apologize to Utakata later ,but their was no time for that now. We would have to leave now, Kuro and I.I knew Utakata would be able to take care of himself. As stepped over the remains of the body,the screaming had started.I had to find Kuro Fast!Something was going on,and it was something bad.

Utakata's P.O.V. (>^.^)>

I sighed .Kurai was supposed to be here by now.Something must've happened.

Oh Man.

And he brought Kuro along with him.I guess I should go look for her just in case Kurai can't find her or something.Then I heard screaming and not the fun kind.This probably has something to do with those strong chakras I felt earlier.As I went of to go look for the kid ,some thing just had to happen.


Okay I really was gonna make this longer and updated sooner but my computer is mean so I'm using the IPad at school . But I accidently pressed the undo button thinking it would just undo the word i put but nope.It deleted everything I wrote @.@

Stupid iPad .But I shall try to upload the next chapter soon.sorry for all the boring parts in the beginning but you probably wouldn't get it other wise 0.0Not that I'm saying ur dumb or would probably just be confusing...

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