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run. don't look back, just run. ignore the pain from your bare feet against the gritty stones and run.

the sunlight was pelting down on me as a foreign feeling, making my head do back flips with each step i ran.

i ran like like the winter breeze colliding into inanimate objects and crashing waves hitting the shore line. like eagles soaring across indigo skies and a herd of cheetahs racing through verdant meadows.

my long, unkempt, damaged locks whipped back and forth as i lunged myself to find the nearest phone box. i had no idea what time it was, no clue on what day nor what year it was.

all i knew was that i needed to keep running forward. not stopping for anything or anyone, especially not him.

tears blinded my already blurred eyes as i ignored the burning sensation on the tops of my thighs and my calves; bolting down the final alleyway, i turned and met eyes with a phone box.

my heart throbbed in my chest with both excitement and fear. my hands reached inside my pocket, fumbling to retrieve the spare coins id found on the side of his draws before i ran.

my whole body slid inside the phone box, as i trembled to call 999. listening to the phone call momentarily was like waiting on life to answer my call; my life did truly depend it. because he was catching up, i know he was.

"999, which service do you require?" a woman called out.

"the police, quick. i need the police" i cried into the phone.

"can you give me your details please, miss?" the same woman challenged, i didnt understand. my life was in grave danger and i had to recite my whole details before id be passed down to the police department.

i sighed deeply before answering, "regan vogel. im regan vogel, i was taken nine years ago. ive just escaped"

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a/n: hey ladies and gents. this is just a prologue, so dont worry, not all chapters will be this short and incredibly boring. if any of you read entry 365 you'll know i love stories with insane twists and turns. therefore, this story is not exempt from them. if you're confused by this prologue alone; then good! you should be. regan is going to be yet another unbelievably unreadable character.

i have higher hopes for this one than i did entry 365; happy reading lovelies!

nine ➸ harry stylesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz