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When the pack took away my mother. Because she stopped the Alpha. I learned the kind of pack I was raised in. The Alpha watched as my mother frantically, try to escape. When she looked at me I saw the look of fear in her eyes and she shouted at me for the first time in my 14 years. "Run Mila!" Not looking back I ran from the pack hearing them shift as they chased me .

Waking up I run my hand through my black hair. Recalling my nightmare that always seemed to come on the full moon, for the last year and a half. Sighing to myself I realize, I have left the land of my birth for almost two years now. I live at my grandmother's home now . She is the Luna of the West River Pack and has a strong desire for me to find a mate. Little does she know that I made a promise to my mother. That if I were to get a mate It has to be for love not because of the wolf's wants what ,because I swore to myself I would never repeat my mothers mistakes. I felt the tears before I knew it as I sank into my bed, hugging my legs to my chest and keeping my sobs to myself not allowing anyone to see me weak.

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