Chapter 3: Sherlock has a Mental Breakdown

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John gave the Doctor a dubious look. "I really don't think we're all going to fit in there."

The Doctor flashed him a grin, then disappeared inside the box, obviously waiting for the others to follow. Castiel went in without a word, followed by Crowley. Sam and Dean looked at each other, uncertain. Dean shrugged. "Well, I'm not waitin' on you bozos. Let's go."

He took the lead, pushing the door open and stepping inside. Sam quickly followed, trailed by John, and, lastly, Sherlock. One by one, they disappeared into the tiny box, the detective watching in amazement and confusion. How many impossible things could happen in one day?

"Huh," Sam said, looking around the spacious interior of the TARDIS. "What are the round things for?"

"You know, people don't usually ask that question until much later," the Doctor said, seeming slightly put out.

"Oh, wait, I got it. It's bigger on the inside! Is that it?"

"That's the one!"

"I ... think I need to sit down," John mumbled, placing his hand on one of the towering, coral-like structures reaching up towards the ceiling for support.

"Do you have food in here?" Dean asked.

"I have a whole kitchen!" the Doctor chirped, pointing down a hallway to the left.

"Awesome," Dean breathed.

Sherlock stood completely still, taking everything in, allowing his mind to process the fact that this was not a hallucination and that the tiny police box he had just entered was bigger on the inside than the outside. His head throbbed, and he scrunched his eyes shut in an attempt to block out all the insanity. It didn't work very well.

Castiel had walked right up to the console, eyes wide. His wings were lax in wonder, hanging loosely from his shoulders. He could feel the Doctor's eyes on them, but he didn't mind. It wasn't every day that someone could see them, and he knew that the Doctor had many questions for him. Right now, however, all he could focus on was the glowing heart of the TARDIS, shining through the console, whispering softly.

"She's alive," he murmured, stroking the glass of the engine with one hand. "I can hear her. I don't understand. My Father did not create her, but she is conscious. Sentient. How?"

The Doctor smiled. "Well, I don't know much about your Father, or how exactly the TARDIS came into existence. But I do know that she was grown from a very special coral, just like the rest of her kind. Over millions of years, she grew and grew until, finally, she was mature. And then ... I stole her."

"You stole her?" Castiel asked incredulously.

"Oh, yes. The happiest day of my life, in fact. We've been together for hundreds of years now. Travelling. Saving the universe."

Dean, who had been listening to their conversation with little else to do, looked up at that. "The universe? Are you saying that you're ... what, an alien?"

"Is that so hard to believe? The universe is massive. Earth isn't the only speck of life out there in the big, wide open."

"It's just that ... I've never seen any aliens before. Me or Sam."

"And I've never seen any angels or demons before. Looks like both of our worlds just got a whole lot bigger."

Sam joined in. "So what are you? I mean, if you don't mind me asking."

"No, it's alright. I'm a Time Lord, from the planet Gallifrey. Nine hundred and six years old, two hearts, and very, very clever."

Sam snorted. "Well, if you're so clever, then we could use your help."

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