Chapter 5: Takin' Care of Business

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Mary was minding her own business in the library, doing some idle research on Chupacabras, when an odd sound interrupted her study. It grew increasingly louder, and she quietly drew her gun, holding it close to her side. Cautiously, she followed the sound to its source in the map room until, suddenly, it stopped. She held her breath, peering around the corner to see ... a giant blue box?

Then the doors opened, and lo and behold, out came Dean Winchester. "Dean?!" Mary exclaimed, lowering her gun. Then, as an afterthought, she pulled out a flask and splashed some holy water on his face. He spluttered, not impressed.

"Really?" he said.

"I thought you were in England! What are you doing back here? And ... what?"

Sam had just come out of the box behind Dean, followed by Castiel, Sherlock, John, and lastly, the Doctor.

"Are you all so shooty?" the Doctor asked, looking at Mary's gun. She put it away quickly.

"Sorry. I just ... how did you all fit in there?"

"Aliens, mom," Dean said, grinning stupidly. "Friggin' aliens."

"Mom?" Sherlock asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Long story," Sam explained. "To put it simply: in our line of work, death isn't always permanent. Mom came back to us about a year ago."

Sherlock took a moment to let this sink in, then looked at John with panic in his eyes. "You don't think--"

"No. He can't be."

"Who are you talking about?" Castiel asked, concerned.

"A man named Moriarty. He died awhile back, but ..."

"Rest assured, he remains dead."

Sherlock visibly relaxed, closing his eyes for a second. Mary took this moment to speak up. "Dean, what were you saying? Aliens?"

"Yeah. This guy? He's a ..."

"A Time Lord," the Doctor explained. "I'm the Doctor, and I come from a planet called Gallifrey."

"Huh ... Well, I'm Mary Winchester. Thank you for bringing my boys home with your ... box."

"That's the TARDIS. My ship."

"You gotta see inside," Dean said. "Doctor, you mind?"

"Not at all."

Dean grinned, then led Mary inside. Rowena hadn't come out yet. The others took the time to look around, admiring the new space.

"You said this was a bunker?" John asked. He noticed the weapons decorating the walls, the map table, the telescope at the far end of the library.

"Yeah," Sam said. "It's an old American Men of Letters bunker. Dean and I found it a few years back and have been here ever since. I figured it would be a good place to lie low and do some research."

"If it belonged to the Men of Letters, won't they find us here?" Sherlock asked doubtfully.

"They've tried that before. Since then, we've put up new wards, reinforced the doors and the locks, even deleted the existence of this bunker from their database after we took out their American group. I think it's safe to say that they won't be bothering us."

"So you've got this whole place to yourselves?" John asked in amazement. Sam nodded. "I bet it's completely free too, isn't it?"

"Completely. Except for groceries." Sam chuckled, a momentary smile lighting up his face. "Come on, let's go to the library. We need to find out more about this Tezcat guy."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2017 ⏰

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