When It Rains

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"Hi, have we met before?"

The clouds are trembling. As the people roam around this town.

"Won't it be better if we stay inside? I don't want to get wet..." said a child to his mum.

The weather in this town is always rainy, but the people are just fine with it, and so am I.

It enlightens me to see the children, jumping on puddles and having a good time.

It's a shame, there's something wrong with this town. And the people aren't even aware.

As I walked back home, the clouds poured heavy drops of rain.
Everyone grabbed their umbrellas and jackets.

It's time, to go...

Home was just a place for me to hide, secure and store. I can never rest peacefully, thinking of what I've done.

I layed down on my bed, staring at the ceiling.

I got up from the bed, and grabbed my umbrella, and i went outside.

Everything is just so quiet.
"Im going to try to fix this town.", like the hundred of times I tried. It never works.

It's beautiful. The skies are just so cloudy, yet so dark. Why do I only talk to myself, And why can't i get rid of this guilt?

I never get the answers to my questions. Except one.

I went to the park, where most of it started. I was so naive and stupid, to think that everything will be okay.

I went to a certain tree, with carved initials, "Caroline,".

She was so mad, yet so magenficent.

What happened back then. Im still so confused, why did they do it, Was it me, Or was it something else?

"Lets just say, it's complicated."
"It's just is.". Those are the last words i heard that night.

I walked back home with a grim expression on my face.

Is this what i've become?

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