We your Nightmares

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We your nightmares

Are smarter than you think,

We have you in our grasp before you even blink.

You may check your closets

Or the shadows under the bed,

But these demons you cannot see … they live inside your head.


Scampering like insects

Through your brain and in your mind,

We find your fears before you fear them – allow them to unwind.

Into something much worse

Hell raising from within,

The demons soar and scream like a sombre violin.


We will take you— corrupt you

Make you wish we would die,

 But we were here first, and we don’t leave when you cry.

So yell in horror

Our leather wings flap,

Hear our talons creak on the floorboards, tap…tap…tap.


We are metal bones

Decaying skin,

We are everything you fear so listen.

We your nightmares

Are your nightmare,

And we are going ... nowhere.

Horror in WordsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz