Escape the Night 9

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Italics:Good Mina
Bold:Bad Mina
Underlined: ??

Mina's POV

I pound on the glass case.

I am Mina's spirt.

I am the good part of her.

I was the one playing the games,Doing the challenges but with the face of evil Mina.

Combined,the real Mina is a kind soul with a dark mind with the love for Alex.

Have you noticed?

How protective Mina can be with Alex?

Maybe you haven't but she is.

Anytime Alex is put into a challenge or gone she

That's the Evil Mina showing in her.

However when Alex is safe and with Mina she is calm,happy.Thats me,Good Mina.

How are two different Mina's in two different places?

Well,It was kinda between when Alex died and when Andrea,Joey and Tyler put all gems in and got the crown.

When Alex died Mina was devastated which only broke her enough,she would've survived and me and bad Mina would've been combined still.


It was once all gems were their and the crown was in Joey's hands is when she broke.

Seeing all the gems,it reminded her of what it cost for those,Her friends,her boyfriend,she was in pain.

That's when we broke.

When her evil spirit finally showed.

Why did I get locked in here?

Where did you think she went?

She caught me,trapped me here,to die.

Now Evil Mina is by the side of the sorceress.

I,good Mina,have set hints for the other three.

To save me,to combine once more.

My eyes red watching the sorceress walk in front of me.

The lieutenants are after Joey,Andrea and Tyler.

Hopefully they finally suffer for what they did.

We get to the front of the forest.

The sorceress turns to me placing the black and purple cape on me.

"Mmh,Beautiful"the sorceress says to me.

I stand behind her as she steps up onto the stone plate.

My head was down.

You will not stop me Evil Mina.

Oh I already have Good Mina,prepare to feel the wrath.

The sorceress turns to me.

"Mina,I cannot let you just stand here I will place a time on you"The sorceress says placing her hand on my head.

"If not in the next 20 minutes,Bad Mina will come for you"She says and my eyes roll back.

I soon sit down.

I gasp and close my eyes.

Please guys hear this.

"The three of you have 20 minutes before Bad Mina comes after you,If she starts coming after you.You have no other option,you cannot save me.You'll all die,please hurry soon or else  it'll be too late"

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