He's... Different

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The demon council stood in awe as they watch the battle happening, the two powerful demons were moving so fast, their magic attacks flying at each other, it wasn't like any battle they've seen before, they are so powerful, a blast of attack from them can kill a wave of weak demons, just a look at them can shook anyone's core, as they fight, their form began to look more nightmarish, if they want, they can traumatized a weak mind.

But no matter how powerful they look, it is clear that they are getting tired, from using their energy to fight, taking hits, and using their energy to heal theirselves. No matter how much their core can endlessly fight each other, their body have limits. And the demon council are getting worried about that.

"We have to help him!" Gula growled, charging forward.

"Are you stupid you cyclops?!" Avaritia growled, from the shadows, hands sprung out towards Gula, pulling him back into place. "This is their fight!"

"I know, but, they can't go on like this until one of them is tired, if we don't do anything anytime soon, they might use too much of the nightmare realm energy" Gula struggled against the shadow hands.

"Stop it you two! Bill may be is fighting against Alcor, but he also knows what is happening around him" Superbia sighed, using her magic to temporary paralyze Gula.

"What the!" Gula gasped out, struggling to move his limbs.

"Bill knows what he is doing" Invidia sighed. "And you deserve this"

A few rocks flew into their direction as they watch Bill slammed Alcor onto the ground.

"But this area will become a ruins if they don't stop anytime soon" Acedia whispered, loud enough to be heard.

The group fell silent, not knowing what to do next, suddenly, the word around them slowly lose colour and was replace with a gray colour scheme.

"Is this-"

"Did he-"

"I-it's the mindscape..."

"But he doesn't let anyone into the mindscape"

"Your powers are unlimited in the mindscape once yo figured out how it works!"


It had seemed that Alcor had decided to throw an attack at the demon council to distract Bill, a dirty move.

Cipher growled, listening if there are any cries of pain behind him, they were in the mindscape now, and it seems that Alcor unknowingly conjure up a powerful blast with his mind. He must defeat Alcor before he figured out how to use the power of the mindscape.

Dodging a possible blast to his face, he let go of Alcor and teleport a few feet away from him. That's it, he knows what to do.

He shot a fireball at Alcor, who dodge quickly, but didn't expect the blast that Cipher had conjured behind him, aiming specifically for his head. The blast was so powerful, Alcor's molocules would be disasembled if it wasn't for his healing powers, but an attack aiming at his head made him lost his senses and thinking for a specific amount of time before he start regaining his composure.

White dots slowly disappear from his vision and a fog over his mind slowly lifted, until he was able to remember what was happening, he finally realized that the world around him was black and white and Cipher was no where to be seen. He slowly looks to the side where he felt a prescene to see Cipher, in a split of second after that, another blast was aiming at him, this time, it is bigger, more powerful, almost, unlimited power...

Cipher was using all his powers, even the powers of the mindscape, the amount of power that he will need to regenerate for a long time after this. As Alcor was taking the hit, he slowly take them back to reality, he was using quiet a trick, conjuring unlimited power from the mindscape, as reality would have Alcor taking all the hit and would be destroyed.

A shine of bright light glowing through the Nightmare realm, it was soon to be gone, but the demons had to take a long time to regain their sightings.

What they saw next was impossible.

It was Alcor, sitting slump on the ground, with his black demon wings covering some of his body, but... but... a pair of other wings, white and covered with feather, having a white glow to them, covering his body.

"That's impossible" Cipher gasped, changing back to his normal form as he float down on the ground, walking towards Alcor. "He is a demon... yet is an Angel at the same time..."

White lights glow from Alcor's body, lifting him off the ground slightly. The angel wings uncover themselves and slowly disappear as if they were made of light, the black demon wings folds back into his body and disappear, leaving a human looking Alcor standing and ending up falling on to the ground.

The demon council quickly surrounds him, but a few meters far away... afraid.

"He's something... different..." Cipher said in almost awe, he slowly went beside the defeated Alcor and examined him.

"W-where am I" A raspy voice called out, it was Alcor.

The demons look up, looking at themselves.

"W-who are you?" He asked, full of fear, trying to scramble away from them, but is too injured to you.

"Uh... the demon council?" Cipher answered, this is the first time since forever that he does not know what is going on. "Don't you remember... Alcor?"

"I'm... Dipper" Alcor answered.

The demon gasped.

"He doesn't remember!"

"How is this possible?!"

"What are we going to do?!"

"We should KILL him!"

"Kill me?!?"


"How should we deal with him then?!"

"We should get rid of him!"

"SILENCE!" Cipher shouted, putting Alc- Dipper into sleep. "We'll find out what he is, but first, did you really think it's a good idea to scream and shout that we should kill an amnesia kid right in front of his face?" Cipher picked the smaller brunetted up in his arms.

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