Azi Dahaka

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The next day, Jewel and David met up at the park. Today was Saturday. Jewel suggested that they should go to the CIA. They had trusted them once, there's no reason that they wouldn't now. David thought that was a good plan. They headed off to the CIA base. They needed a taxi. Luckily, David had two hundred dollars on him from his birthday. They went to the George Bush Centre for Intelligence. There was a lot of security but Bryance had given them special clearance. Once they went in, there were chrome floors, marble walls, the seal of the CIA, a water fountain in the middle and about 22,000 employees talking on their com links, filing out paperwork or field training. It was marvellous. But Jewel and David knew whom they had to speak to. They went to the Director of the CIA, Mike Pompeo. His office was amazing. They were standing on a floor, made of extremely polished wooden planks, the CIA seal in the middle of the floor and the director sitting by the fire in his red and blue microfiber sofa chair. "Well, how may I help you today?" His voice was very American and rather low. He was old but he looked remarkably young. He had brown hair with a buzz cut trim and he wore a smart tuxedo with a white top and a red and blue tie. He was certainly very American. David told him that six men in leather cloaks, black boots and brown hats captured Bryance. Mike called to his secretary. She came in. "Yes, Mr Pompeo?" Her name was Felicia Jones. Her voice was high and girlish. She had maroon hair, glasses and was wearing a black dress with a tuxedo jacket. Mike told her that she had to run a file for men in leather cloaks, black boots and brown hats. She said that it would be impossible. There would be thousands, maybe millions of men in the world wearing leather cloaks. Mike told her to run the file in nefarious corporations. She understood and went off. The wooden doors slammed behind her. Mike offered them some biscuits. They politely shook their heads. A few minutes later, Felicia came back with a file in her hands. "They ran the file and the corporation that came up was Azi Dahaka" She gave the file to Mike. He froze. "Azi Dahaka is one of the most nefarious corporations in the world. They steal children with precognitive abilities, extract their power, killing them in the process and use that power for their own evil-doings." Jewel clasped her hands over her mouth. David gasped. "The corporation uses the name of the mythical cattle-raider. Azi Dahaka or Dahak is a storm demon from Iranian mythology. He steals cattle. He either uses the cattle's blood for his food supply, bringing back the dead to lay waste on the world or make humans into horrible man-animal creatures. Azi Dahaka, the corporation, named themselves after this horrible creature because of the cattle in the story. The cattle in this case are," He gulped. "... children." Mike opened the file. "Now this is the man that took Bryance." He pointed to a man with a red stamp written CONFIDENTAL on his black and white photo. Beneath that, there was something else written in red, AIDEN SCALE, HIGHLY ADDICTED TO DRUGS. "This man is wanted because of his crimes in drug dealing, assaulting women and crimes of murder. He and his gang have been wanted for stealing children and being part of the 9/11 explosions. If Bryance has been captured by this corporation, there's no telling if he's alive or not."

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