Rescue From Hell

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Fairfax, Virginia

"It's going to be hard to break in and save Bryance but it's possible." Mike Pompeo was readying a small army. They were set to go to Hell Town in a few hours. Each of the men wore khaki camo, carried a machete, a M4A1 and M26 FRAG grenades. They all went aboard a plane that they would usually use for war but Ohio was far from Fairfax by Jeep. After an hour and 15 minutes, they were in Hell Town, Ohio. Hell Town looked like it had been hit by a tornado and left here for the ages. Luckily, they knew where Azi Dahaka was located. They set off.

Bryance knew what to do to break out. "Hey, you!" He called to the guard standing at the door. "What?" The guard came closer. Bryance smiled. He focused his power towards the guard's mind. "You will unlock the cell door and drop your weapon," The guard was confused. Bryance repeated. "You will unlock the cell door and drop your weapon." There was a long pause. Then a miracle happened. The guard did what Bryance had told him. Bryance had complete control over him. Bryance picked up the weapon. He wasn't going to use it unless he had to. He opened the door. Before he ran away, he used his power to knock the guard out. There was no one outside the door. There were just wall of stone and stone pillars. He ran to the emergency exit but was blocked by two guards. They shot their guns. Multiple bullets were shot. Bryance stopped all of them with his telekinetic powers but one. It hit him in the shoulder. It felt like a cold, steel knife stabbing his arm. Bryance lost focus of the bullets and they fell to the floor. Bryance ran in the other direction. The guards aimed. Two shots exploded.

* * * * *

Bryance was certain he was dead but the shots weren't from the guards. The CIA had come to save him. The guards were dead. Blood was pouring from their mouths. Bryance tried not to look. Two men from the CIA took him to the emergency vehicle. Bryance was feeling light-headed and then everything went black. When Bryance woke up, he was on a surgical table. There were at least a dozen surgeons around him. Then one of the surgeons pulled out a scalpel, a surgical kind of knife. "Bear with me, ok?" The surgeon was talking to Bryance. He was male and fair-haired. He was in his 30's. "We have to remove the bullet from your shoulder or you'll die." The surgeon called for help. The other surgeon that had come injected Bryance with some sort of sleeping drug. When Bryance was unconscious, the surgeon made the first cut.

* * * * *

The next day, Bryance had a nice life again. All the Azi Dahaka agents at Hell Town were captured and Aiden Scale and his gang had been put in a highly fortified CIA prison base that was almost impossible to break out. But the agents around the world were still at large. Bryance had a scar of when the bullet shot him. Bryance knew that they had won. Bryance decided to retire from the CIA and will only join back unless they really needed him. Bryance was walking to school when Jewel and David caught up. Jewel kissed him for a while. She felt so happy that Bryance was back. David hugged him.  They were glad they had a normal life for now. But they knew that now things will never be the same.

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