Tag #1

24 1 4

I was tagged by phantastic_sivan18

1) First fanfic? Probably a 'miraculous ladybug' fan fic.

2) favourite food? Probably pizza or subway cookies.

3) Embarrassing/sad story . I was at a school function, (i go to an all girls school) and the boys' school was invited. My crush was there, and i had to walk past them to get where i needed to go. I decided to look busy rather than stare at them, so i looked down at my phone. I tripped on air, and fell flat on my face. My crush fell of the bench laughing. Story of my life...

4) Favourite band? Twenty one pilots, P!ATD, or 5SOS

5) Favourite song? atm maybe house of memories or L.A. Devotee 

6) Sexuality? Straight

7) What changed me? Human, the phanfic.

I tag:




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