after school jam session

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So, my parents pick Mr up from school at 3:00-3:30. My school finishes at 2:00.

On a normal day, I would sit and do my homework or something (like read phan), but today, my lovely friends decided to have an emo jam session in the music room.

How nice of them.

My throat now hurts because I was screaming mcr, p!atd, and tøp at the tøp of my lungs.

It was worth it Tbh

Also, I was feeling a bit *down* recently, and then Phil uploaded a vid and my mind just cleared up and now I'm happy again.

What would I do without Phil Lester folks?

Probably be sad all the time.

Oh well, now that the foolish, cheery me is back, Imma go read some lovely Phan fiction.

Peace people!

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