youth rally

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Ahhh we have come to the end of spooky week for another year.

That means pinof 9 is getting much closer.

Then comes gamingmas.

I'm so ready.

Entyways, yesterday was youth rally (a marching thing that everyone goes to every year. Most schools participate.) And you bes believe I need bleaching cream now (Jkjk).

Sun yesterday was just tooooo hot. And worst of all,

Story #1:

So the high schools normally sit on one ditlde of the stadium, and non marchers go where ever, once you're not where the schools are.

You can't sit up there unless you are wearing your uniform, and the teachers can prove you are marching.

Since sun was hot, I asked one of my friends to bring an umbrella. She brought it, but she couldn't move from her seat.

So me being the lovely person I am went to her.

I told the security my situation, and he said I couldn't pass. I told him he could follow me if he want because the sun was really hot and I needed it.

He still said no.

Theeennnn, another one of my friends, came and told me friend #1 was looking for me, and that she couldn't come.

The guard, (I kid you not) said "me nah kay. If she min want one umbrella she shoulda bring um she self."

I was well upset by then, but because of how I was raised, I didn't tell back or anything. I just simply said, "you go pay for my bleaching cream?"

He just got more pissed so I walked away and sat in the stand.

Now, after I have reached home, I notice my skin has become much darker than the already kunta kinte-ness.

My skin is very weird, if I stay in the sun tool long, it does this weird thing where it will start to burn. Not like a fire burn, but it will sting.

I just sat there, upset, enduring the pain.


Story #2:

So I was originally hanging out with friend #3 when some other people came.

I didn't have a problem you know, until they paired off and I wasn't even a third wheel.

I was the fucking unicycle trying to keep up.


Last night was the panorama (a completions for all the schools pan groups). I would put a video of them playing but wattpad sucks, so here's a few screenshots of the video. Not the same I know but its better than nothing.

 Not the same I know but its better than nothing

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Unfortunately, we didn't place even though I think we were the best, (I'm not being biased or anything) the judges just theif soiling

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Unfortunately, we didn't place even though I think we were the best, (I'm not being biased or anything) the judges just theif soiling.....

I''ve been finding it really hard to speak proper English here on wattpad while I comment (e.g. refound love: all my comments in the second half) and I'm honestly too lazy to keep it under control.

So y'all are gonna have to deal with it.

Yeah, so


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