Chapter 25

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I know I should've said no to Lexie when she asked Harry and I to go to the Arsenal Foundation gala. We're still keeping our relationship under the radar and a public event like this probably isn't the greatest idea. Sure, we can be careful but his fans are so observant. We've already been seen together a few times. They still think we're just friends but I'm not sure how much longer we can keep up that act. One wrong move and we'll instantly be exposed. But I owe Lexie about a hundred favors. Harry and I both do.

I could see Harry's hesitation as I told him about the gala. He said it was too risky but I'd already told Lexie we would go. I couldn't back out. Even if I could, I didn't want to. A night of good food, drinking and dancing with my best friends and my boyfriend? How could I refuse that? I love Harry and the time we spend alone together but we've never been on an actual date. He's used to seeing me in sweats with no makeup on and my hair a mess. The thought of putting on a beautiful dress and making his jaw drop is way too appealing. I know we'll have to be careful. It's not like we can show up as a couple to this gala. But I'm sure once we get inside there will be less press. It'll be dark, we'll blend in easier. We can make it work. It's takes some convincing but once he sees how much I want to go, he gives in.

As much as I'd love to stop worrying about keeping our relationship a secret, I know for right now it's for the best. I wasn't worried about it at first. I got over caring what strangers thought about me a long time ago, when I was with Liam. Harry was the one that wanted us to stay a secret. He wanted to protect me. He thought the backlash would be more than I could handle. I resented it at first. One thing I love about Harry is how he doesn't coddle me like everyone else seems to. He doesn't hold back his opinions if it's something I may not like. He calls me out when I'm being stubborn or cranky or bratty. He's brutally honest with me, as I am with him. I didn't understand why he wanted to shelter me when it came to this. But the more time that passes, I start to understand where he's coming from. Everything is going so well between us lately. We got past Liam finding out. We're adjusting to our friends knowing and it's been hard but we can see them coming around. They see how happy we are and even if they want to, they can't deny that we're good together. They know us. They get it. But the rest of the world might not. Actually, it's most likely that they won't. No matter how happy we are, all that negativity would inevitably cause tension between us and I don't want that. I like things the way they are now. Our relationship is nobody's business but our own. Besides, I should probably tell my family about us before we go public and I'm still not ready to face that.

We only had a few days' notice of the gala so we were all rushing to prepare but somehow, everything seems to fall into place. The guys got their suits, Lexie and I found amazing dresses. Now that the day is finally here, I can't help but be excited. We made plans to get ready at Niall and Lexie's so I stayed at Harry's last night. Usually he's up way before I am but today I can't sleep in. At first I don't want to get out of bed. I know it's creepy but I can't help but to watch him sleep for a while. I'm laying here looking at his perfect face, so peaceful and relaxed, trying to figure out how in the hell I got here. I know a million girls would kill to be in my position right now but he chose me. It doesn't make sense. But then I hear his soft wheezing snore. I usually tune it out now but it irritated the hell out of me the first few times we spent the night together. So did the massive amount of body heat he puts off when he sleeps. Even now I can see a thin layer of sweat on his skin. He hasn't shaved in a few days so he's got a few uneven patches of hair above his lip and along his jaw. They're simple things but it reminds me that he's not perfect. He's not the built-up image everyone sees of him. He's just Harry. He's human and I love him more for it. I prefer this side of him because I've seen what's behind the image and it's so much better than anyone could ever imagine.

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