mom, poetry for you

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Mom you was the best thing to ever happen to me.

Of all the promises you made,

Two you didn't keep.

You promised to get better.

You promised to stay alive and fight till I'm married.

You wanted to be a grandmother.

I know you loved us,

But the night,

The last night I saw you was

The last night

You was happy and kept saying loved me

All I wish for was to be in tour arms one last time

And you not in mine on a medal table dead


You said you will always be here and I do t believe you,

I've forgotten who you are,

Because I forgotten me.

I know your my mom and that you loved me

But that's it

I have a couple memories

But I not feel peace

I'm drowning in grease

And can't get air.

All I know is tour suppose to be there

In heaven, but I got VIP to hell

Doesn't that ring a bell?

You risked your life for me

And I basically threw it away

I'm so,so,so sorry

I love you though mom

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