dont know

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Hey I know I'm terrible at poetry I just need some fee back, I was tired of all theses poems not talking bout loved ones we miss and I miss mine i know a lot of people are going through worst then I am I just wanted some book out there to talk bout a mother, a father , a sibling and all the people you love , so please give me fee back this is the very first poem I've written and its based on my emotions

Like everyone knows this world is cruel and how this world is dying slowly and almost everyday someone is going g through depression or suicidal and ik because I was there and I'm trying to get out all the way people think its cute to cut themselves or to relieve pain, it does but you really got to think bout the ones you love and look up to, there's always hope for tomorrow , and there's always someone who can help you and I just hope I Inspire at least one person to help someone to stay alive, or stand up for themselves even if they fall, you just gotta get back up and kick some ass once in a while so again please give me fee back , thanks.

Poems, Quotes Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora