Qoute of today

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Learn from yesterday
        Live for today
                   Hope for
                      A tomorrow

By: Albert Einstein

When I look out at the water it is beautiful even with all the garbage in the lake.  When I know I have low self-esteem about myself.  I look at the glistening water and how beautiful it is even when it is ugly.  During winter when the water freezes over it brings out the beauty of a perfect winter a tree with no leaves,  snow perfectly in spot and you have art of a winter wonderland


Anger is the emotion you not but cannot explain,  the mood swing that comes up in thin air around a corner to ruin someone else's emotions or to destroy your day without thought.  Anger is a place,  person,  and idea.  A place of anger is that part of your brain that can become frustrated and anger is the outcome with or without permission.  Anger is a person,  sometimes it has a mind of its own.  That part of you that snaps is anger trying to get out. In most people's mind anger is an idea and emotion that can be controlled by some people.

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