ACT-SIXTEEN: Big Battle (Pt2)

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Spectating Top Lane P.O.V.

The fighting continued as Kennen farmed with content, pacing himself and earning his full build, little by little.
"Hmm. Poppy has been keeping middle lane occupied for quite sometime now...maybe I should use her recall time to attack and gain the upper hand..." He whispered to himself.

Kennen made his way to the first enemy tower now, and he was destroying it with an adequate force of minions accompanying him. He soon destroyed it.

A tower has been felled by Kennen! No assist!

"Hehe, awesome!" Kennen exclaimed to himself, proud that he was making gains in the match but that was all about to change...

Spectating Bot Lane P.O.V.

Lulu and Veigar had managed to make it to the second enemy tower, but they had not destroyed it yet. Teemo was valiantly guarding it, 1v2, in heavy combat. "Damn, I'm getting killed out here! I need a gank!" Murmured Teemo to himself.

"You are going to meet your end toady my friend!" Declared Veigar proudly, as he fired off another Primordial Burst. Teemo jumped out of the way of it, a few of hairs of his fur being singed off, the blast being deathly close.

As the smoke of the Primordial Burst cleared, a small crater appeared, enough to cover the whole lane. "Whoa...." Whispered Teemo to himself in awe.

"That was good...but not good enough!" Teemo shouted, regaining his composure. "Hehehe...that's what you think." Retorted Veigar devilishly.

Suddenly, Veigar began to grow in size slowly...

Spectating Top Lane P.O.V.

"GOD HELP MEEEEE!" Screeched Kennen at the top of his voice as he ran fratically away from the barrage of bullets, missiles, and earthquake vibrations in the ground. "We're gonna get you!" Teased Ziggs throwing another bomb.

"It seemed that a suprise top three on one gank is working to our advantage." Stated Himerdinger. "Don't let your guard down now. He still could get away." Replied Poppy. "Doesn't look like it." Said Himerdinger again, pointing at Ziggs landing a Sachel Charge bang on Kennen's head.

The details of gore were just too much to explain.

Kennen has been slain, Killed by Ziggs, assisted by Poppy and Himerdinger!

....Rumble has felled a tower, no assist!

Spectating Bot Lane P.O.V.

"How the fu..." Whispered Teemo as he looked up slowly into the sky where a giant Veigar was looking down on him. "Hehehe..." Veigar grinned, tipping his hat to Teemo.

"Cheerio to you too..." Whispered Teemo to himself whipping around to run away. "OH NO YOU DON'T!" Boomed Veigar as he took a giant step, sending shockwaves through the ground. Teemo was launched  back into the air, his body kissing dirt when he landed.

"Nng...gah...dammit. looks like...the end...for me...I'll be back!" Whispered Teemo as Veigar's giant metal foot descended onto Teemo...

Teemo has been slain, Killed by Veigar, assisted by Lulu!

Spectating Nexus Base P.O.V.

"Oh great." Said Kennen as he spawned back at his base's podium. "That's what I get for being careless." He cursed at himself.

"Well, at least Veigar and Lulu are almost at the enemy base's front tower." Said a familiar voice cutting in. "Rumble? You're still here?" Asked Kennen.

"Yeah, I fucked up my item build, so I had to privately farm minions to get the right item." He replied.

"AW, COME ON! I needed help out there! Didn't you know that I wanted help when I was screaming God help me! All the way down top lane?!" Ranted Kennen in anger.

"Woah...sorry man, I was too occupied. I even got a tower down." Apologised Rumble with an apologetic smile.

"Well, what are we going to do? Poppy, Himerdinger, and Ziggs are pushing top, we only destroyed one tower on mid and top, and Veigar, Lulu, and Tristana haven't said anything to us since!

"Hey guys."

Said a female voice behind them. "I just recalled to buy some stuff, what's the situation?" She asked. The two other Yordles turned away from their little bickering to see who was there.

"Seriously? So you were deaf and blind the last twenty minutes? Tristana we're dying out there! We need to counter gank top lane!" Stated Kennen iritatated.

"Well I was dealing with that stupid JungleBot. It looks and acts like Orianna and sometimes really annoying. It's one tenacious little bugger." Explained Tristana.

"Well we need to strike back. They're almost at top lane's final tower before the base towers." Rumble said.

"Okay, let's do this!' Declared Kennen as the three marched off to combat.

The action will continue in Summoners Rift!


Done! Sorry with the delay, I've been really busy with School and all that. This is my Junior Cert year after all! Ugh, I sound too cheerful, I hate school.

I'll try and post new chapters quicker and also check out my new side book; Primal Urge!

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