the party scene

841 41 31

i'm at school rn and half of this was written here.

Awsten sighed loudly as he rushed through the hall of his shared apartment, ignoring the dozens of people surrounding him as well as the pop music that was blaring through random speakers throughout the area. He pushed his way towards the kitchen like he was about to reach barricade at a Sum 41 concert, moving quickly and effortlessly through the clusters of people.

Once he reached the kitchem, he went straight for the pantry, the extra-large bag of BBQ chips that he knew was there and unopened practically calling his name. He continued to stealthily make his way to the bag of chips with ease, even ignoring the two people half-sat on the kitchen island, making out heavily.

He seriously hates parties, so why he decided to move in with his best friend, an avid partier, he wasn't sure. He couldn't actually recall Travis' reasoning for this gathering this time, but he was now very aware that he agreed to something he definitely shouldn't have.

He snatches the bag immediately as he spots it, not bothering to reach for a bowl or anything, carrying the bag of chips quickly and efficiently through the halls until he reaches the end of the hallway, near his bedroom door. Fuck yes, finally.

He begins turning the doorknob when he hears a voice, obviously directed towards him. "So," It says, "Ever heard the term 'you are what you eat'?"

Awsten freezes, cringing at the term, before turning around and facing the stranger who's face isn't clear in the dark yet multicolor lighting. "I think I have actually," He says without skipping a beat. "Ever heard the expression get the hell away from me?"

Okay, maybe he came off as a little too aggressive, but he couldn't help it - he was sort of pissed in the first place, primarily because of the stupid party, and really just wanted to eat his chips.

The stranger's now noticeably blue eyes widen, a red cup in one hand and the other raised in the air defensively. "Damn, okay, sorry." He says, and Awsten can tell that he's only slightly buzzed, not too drunk. "But seriously, can I hang out in your room for awhile? My ride ditched me and parties aren't really my thing. No offense."

Awsten feels sort of guilty, sighing loudly, chip bag still in one hand. "None taken. As you can see, they aren't really mine either."

The guy runs his hand through a strand of heat-damaged hair. "So?" He asks, clearly hopeful.

The mint-haired boy pauses for a second, thinking. "Yeah, okay." Geoff lets out a sigh of relief, preparing to step in, but Awsten stops him for a second, waving his free arm in the air. "For the record, we aren't fucking. We're watching Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World on my laptop, then, if I feel like it, The Rocky Horror Picture Show. From there, I will choose other movies until I decide whether we sleep - separately - or not."

The stranger nods as he sets his solo cup down on a side table in the hall, extending his hand. "Geoff."

Awsten shakes it with the hand not gripped onto his snack. "Awsten." He says, letting go after a moment and re-attaching his hand to the doorknob. "Just so you know, Geoff, you're not allowed to touch anything in here except for my bed, the floor, and the oxygen around you. That includes my chips. You touch my goddamn chips without permission, you're dead both metaphorically and literally."

"Got it. No touching you in any way, shape, or form, no chips, just your choice of movies. I'm okay with that." The brunette responded. As soon as Awsten opened the door, Geoff trailed behind him and shut the door instantly, knowing Awsten wouldn't be fond of any other local party-goers to get the hint.

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