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ONE | family disappointment

ROSALIE GRIMMETT STOOD at the entrance to Diagon Alley, satchel dangling from her shoulder with the list of mandatory supplies crumbled in her hand. She scrunched her nose as she watched an abundance of witches and wizards rushing up and down the streets, most buying supplies for upcoming school year.

With a long sigh, Rosalie started off towards Flourish and Botts to purchase the books she'd be needing for her fifth year of wizard schooling, even though it would be her first at Hogwarts.

The bell rang as Rosalie pushed open the door, not paying any attention to the old lady that narrowly missed the swing of the door. Rosalie made her way through the store, looking up and down the shelves of books in search of the two she needed.

She ran her fingers along the bindings as she looked, breathing in the smell of old parchment and ink that floated around the shop. When she located of them, she quickly made her way to the front to buy them.

"Is this all?" The older gentleman at the counter asked as he processed Rosalie's purchase.

Rosalie nodding silently, sliding the correct amount of money across the counter before grabbing her books and exiting the store. Once her feet touched the stone side walk, she shoved her new books into her satchel and set off for Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions to buy a few sets of mandatory robes that she needed for the year.

She entered the building just like she had the other, quickly bustling around the shop to find the robes she needed and began to make her way towards the counter. On her way up, she noticed two men - a father and son - speaking in hushed tons behind a rack of dress robes.

Rosalie stepped behind a shelf, peeking around the corner to watch the father-son duo engage in what seemed to be a heated argument. She immediately knew that the son, a platinum blonde boy with a pale pointed face, was getting chewed out by his father.

When Rosalie's eyes glanced over the older and much taller man, they widened in shock. She knew who the man was, given that her parents never missed the chance to speak ill of him and his family. She knew the man was Lucius Malfoy and the boy he was reprimanding was his son, who's name evaded Rosalie's mind no matter how hard she searched.

Rosalie continued to watch the pair until Lucius abruptly turned and stalked out of the store, leaving his son behind to buy the robes occupying his arms. The son, who rubbed his face with his free hand, slowly made his way to the front counter. Seeming as Rosalie no longer  had a show to watch, she followed the boy to the front.

Standing behind him, Rosalie let out a sigh as she surveyed him up and down. Below his dark suit jacket, it was obvious that he has a toned back. Her appreciation for his looks didn't lessen as her eyes scanned over the rest of his body.

"Glad to know I'm not the only one who is a disappointment to their family," Rosalie speaks up as they wait in line, a crowd of first years waiting in front of them.

The boy glances over his shoulder at Rosalie, turning to face her when he realized that she was, in fact, talking to him.

"Excuse me?" He says, his words laced with distaste as he looked the girl up and down. She had shoulder length brown hair, shining blue eyes, and slim face. The unnamed girl was attractive, Draco couldn't deny that, but her uncontrollable tongue was not.

"I said - it's good to know that I'm not the only one who disappoints their family," Rosalie repeats her words again, slower this time in case he didn't understand.

Draco scoffs. "And what makes you think that I'm a disappointment."

"For starters, I saw your father chewing you out," Rosalie began. "Secondly, any wizard with half a brain knows who Lucius Malfoy is."

Draco smirks, a sense of pride filling him at his family's well known name. He took pride in his heritage, knowing that being a Malfoy did have its perks.

"I'd wipe that smirk off your face, Malfoy," Rosalie continues. "Because those wizards with half a brain also know that your father is nothing but a bloody coward."

And just like that, the smirk on the young Slytherin's face slipped away only to be replaced with a sneer. "And who are you to be insulting him?"

Rosalie chuckled, enjoying the scrunched up look the Malfoy boy had appeared on his face. "We've been talking for a few minutes and you're just now asking for my name?"

Draco huffed, rolling his eyes as he inched closer to the counter, desperate to pay for his new robes and leave the store. "I don't care what your name is."

Rosalie's smile grew, knowing that if this boy was in any way related to Lucius Malfoy, he would react exactly in the way that he did.

"You won't be saying that for long," Rosalie says before stepping around the Malfoy, setting her robes on the counter and sending the clerk a forced smile.

As she waited for her robes to be bagged, she heard Malfoy sucking in deep breaths of air to control his temper. Her smile grew as she felt a sense of victory swell through her chest.

Rosalie hands the clerk the money, exchanging them for her bag of robes before turning back around to Malfoy.

"See you at school, Old Sport." She says, stalking out of the store before he can get another word in, just like his father had done so only ten minutes prior.

Rosalie spent the rest of the afternoon buying the necessary supplies that she lacked, not having gone to Hogwarts for her previous schooling years.

By the end of the day, Rosalie dragged her numerous bags back to the Leaky Cauldron where her parents said they'd meet her. She was exhausted from carrying the numerous bags around with her all day and she thought of nothing better than to lay down and take a well deserved nap.


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