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FOURTEEN | i'm no tattletale

HER FINGERS GRIPPED onto her wand, her eyes locked on her opponent as they circled. Rosalie's left arm remains limp at her side, blood dripping down her fingers tips from the deep gash she was gifted.

Rosalie was losing the duel, her opponent was better than her in every aspect. His spells were stronger, his technique was flawless, his speed was unbeatable.

She couldn't win, there was no way, so she did was she knew she needed to do. Her fate was inevitable, she'd come to realize, and she wasn't going to let him toy with her anymore.

Letting her wand slip from the tips of her fingers, the clatter of her wand on the ground was deafening, Rosalie stopped circling. She watched her opponent smirk, his feet also coming to a halt in front of her.

"Tired, already?" His voice poisonous, leaving Rosalie paralyzed in her spot.

Rosalie didn't respond but she did let her eyes wander. She let them wander from the blue of his eyes to the smirk and down from there until her eyes reached his forever inked forearm.

A skull and snake stared back at her, looking as though they were also laughing at her. The snake looked ready to pounce, to kill Rosalie.

"Do it," her voice shook as she spoke, her eyes meeting his once again. "Do it like he told you to. Don't fail him now, Draco."

Draco's smirk grew at the quiver in her voice as the feeling of victory swelled in his chest. "Are you begging for death, Grimmett?"

"Yes," a sigh left her lips as her gaze loomed over the boy she realized she loves. "Kill me."

With one final glance into her eyes, Draco raised his wand and spoke clearly,

"Avada Kedavra!"


Rosalie shot up in her bed, her hands gripping her throat as she gasped for her. Swear drenched her body, coating not only herself but the bedding around her.

Quickly throwing the damp sheets from her body, Rosalie slid off the bed. Discarding her clothes for another set of pajamas, she tugged a robe on before venturing out of her dormitory. Once she was in the common room, she realized that it was the early morning hours.

Knowing that there was no way she would be able to go back to sleep, Rosalie let her feet carry her towards the portrait and out towards the dungeons.

Her feet took a mind of its own, leading her down corridor after corridor as she became lost in her thoughts about the nightmare she had.

Rosalie didn't know what bothered her more ⎯ the fact that Draco, whose arm held the mark of a Death Eater, had killed her or the fact that she was now well aware of the feelings she had for the Draco Malfoy.

Question after question seemed to swirl around her mind. Why were they dueling? Why did he have the Dark Lord's mark upon him? Why didn't he spare her? Why did she think she loved him?

Voices startled Rosalie from her mind, looking up to see a large door appearing from a blank wall in the corridor. Throwing herself behind a corner, Rosalie listened to the voices grow louder and louder. She listened to the sounds of a door unlatching before being thrown open.

She peeks around the corner to see a crowd of people leaving the room ⎯ which had just appeared out of thin arm ⎯ all talking excitedly. Rosalie caught bits and pieces of what they were saying, but none of it made sense.

sweet talk ↯ draco malfoy Where stories live. Discover now