31 4 3

I was tagged by icurrentlyneedalife
So I must answer these thirty questions

1. Meaning behind my name?
My username is because I love Harry Potter and Luna Lovegood is my favorite character and... well a lot of my friends think I act like her. Which I think is cool 😄

2. Biggest weakness?
Uuuh I let people get to me to easily a lot. And I also let them think they're always better then me.

3. Biggest strength?
That I'm not ashamed to be who I am. And that I take that effort that very few others take to care about people.

4. Piercings you have?
None actually -.- not aloud to pierce my ears until I'm 18.

5. Favorite band?
Rascal Flatts

6. Last dream you had?
I dreamed there was a bunch of chocolate in my house and I couldn't have any of it(I'm currently on a diet at the moment) and then all the chocolate was magically disappearing.

7. Phobia?
Claustrophobia, also afraid of heights.

8. Favorite movie?
Gods Not Dead

9. Hair color?
Some people tell me it's red. Some people tell me it's blonde. Some people tell me it's brown. I really don't know... it basically depends on how the light hits it.

10. Eye color
lol same with my hair sort of. They're constantly changing colors and sometimes one eye will be one color while the other eye will be a completely different color

11. Cats or dogs?
Dogs all the way. Cats are boring

12. Favorite flower?
Sunflower, tiger lily, and wild daisy

13. Favorite holiday?
Christmas; I enjoy all the music and snow and Christmas feeling at that time.

14. Last thing you ate?

15. Lucky number?
Uuuuh I'll go with 21

16. Your name?
Not gonna say that sorry. If I knew you better I would though. But most everyone calls me JJ from wiki, amino, and here.

17. Piercings you want?
One on each ear

18. Idea of a perfect date?
One where the guy will do most of the talking but gives space for me to talk a little too. Um probably going to the movies, or horse riding.

19. Things you hate?
Spiders, pink, dresses, make up, making bad choices, drinking, cursing, crying, being alone

20. Things you love?
The Bible, my friends, coffee, raspberry tea, chocolate, Harry Potter, country music, going to church, horses, camouflage

21. A random fact about you?
Uuuuh I get emotional everytime I watch spider man. Probably sounds ridiculous but... yeah thats just me.

22. Favorite item of jewelry?
thumb rings

23. Favorite body feature?
*cough* weird question *cough*
Probably my eyes. The only thing I like about my appearance.

24. Tattoos you want?
I'm never getting a tattoo

25. Favorite blogs?
Ummm the ones I read from Harry Potter amino I guess

26. What you love about yourself?
That I'm a Christian, umm that I don't let peer pressure get the best of me. That I want to help as many people that I can. That I'm still alive.

27. What you hate about yourself?
That I can't always be fast enough to help everyone. That I can't laugh very easily anymore.

28. Favorite book?
Lorien Legacies series

29. Sweet or salted popcorn?
I've never tried sweet before but I'd be willing to try it so I'll go with both

30. Someone you miss?
My friend axel who I'll probably never see again.

I tag:











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