Tagged 👀

22 1 3

Kk so it's been a while since I was last Tagged. Sorry for taking so long on dis I almost forgot.

So I have to answer these thirteen questions:

1. First book that you fell in love with?

The Maze Runner series by James Dashner

2. What are you obsessed with right now?

Lol I'm always obsessed with Harry Potter 👀

3. Favorite fictional character?

Nine from the Lorien Legacies series

4. What can you not live without?


5. What is your Hogwarts house?


6. If you weren't in the Hogwarts house above, which other one would you be in?


7. What was your first fandom?

I grew up watching Star Wars

8. Who is your inspiration?

Uuuh probably my friends :]

9. If you could choose to do one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?


10. What is the weirdest thing you do?

Every night before I go to bed I stare at the ceiling for a solid hour. Then I read my Bible. Then I stare at the ceiling for another half hour. Then I say a prayer and wait for my mind to turn off so I can sleep.

11. If you could bring one fictional character to the real world, who would it be?

The Weasley twins obviously. We need more people like dem 👀

12. What is the saddest book that you've ever read?

Mm... I haven't read many sad books... but the one book that made me the saddest was The Fate Of Ten; part of the Lorien Legacies due to the ending...

13. If you could have a fictional job, what would it be?

I'd be a Magzooligist 👀 I love magical creatures.

I tag:














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