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Michael's pov;
"Oh Ashton you wouldn't believe this beautiful boy sat with me at the cafe"
I never got people to sit with me
They all saw my scars I have
And they leave
"Really Michael? Did you get his name?"
I was overly happy that someone actually talked to me for the first time in years, I forgot to ask him what is name was
"Um I never got his name but I give him my number"
Ashton smirked at me
"Oh mikey you player, you give him your number but you don't even know his name"
I giggled
"I'm not a player ash, I was happy someone finally talked to me okay?"
Ashton just smiled at me
We kept talking until we got to our house
Our house was good size for only 2 of us
We had 2 bedrooms that come with our own bathroom, a kitchen, and Irving room.
That's all we really needed.
"Oh mikey did you all ready have food?"
That's all I heard as I was running up stairs, while going to my room.
I was already waiting on my computer about the boy at the cafe
I swear Ashton can be overprotective a lot, I mean I understand he's trying to be a good friend, but I don't need to be baby because of one little accident.
So I yelled back at him
And all I heard was a small 'thank you'
I loved writing about my life
I mean we're all gonna die
And I think we should write about what happen in our life
Before it ends.
Our life is important to someone.
And I want that someone to know about my life.
No matter how fucked up my life is
I want someone to know.
So I wrote down what happened today

Hello Journal, mikey here again.
Today something good happened to me
I was happy.
A boy talked to me.
A cute one too.
I give him my number.
He still hasn't texted me.
Which kinda makes me think he throw the card away.
But I can't think negative.
It's not the time.
This boy was beautiful I tell you.
Dark brown hair,with a little blonde in it.
This boy wasn't any of other boy.
He has tan skin.
He had a black Green Day shirt on.
With black jeans.
He had a leather jacket too.
But he wasn't wearing it.
Oh wait did I mention he has a jawline.
I mean woah.
I'm pretty sure i had a boner because of it.
I mean what?
Who said that?
Anyways, the sun hasn't risen in a couple of days.
I wonder why.
I miss the sun.
But I do love the moon.
So far everyday been the same.
Sad and boring.
Like me (:
But today was special.
Ashton keeps yelling at me that I should go to therapy.
I mean I think I should too.
I hate it there.
I'm better off here.
Alone is better for me.
Maybe not for you,
But for me it is.
I mean I know Ashton is doing his best to make me happy.
I know that's all he wants me to be.
But I don't think he understands
It's okay.
Well it's 12:00, I'm gonna go to bed, see you tomorrow Journal.

I turned off my laptop
And put it in my dresser.
I looked at my ceiling.
I had a small Blanket on.
I closed my eyes.
Thats where my happiness is.
The dark.

Thank you for reading this, hopefully this was longer than the last chapter. I hope you have a good day, and everything goes well.

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