ill be there.

5 1 0

Michael pov:
Calum told me he had to get to his classes,it makes me happy someone is actually in college, not many people go to college, aka me.
He told me he would text me after his class. I went downstairs to make me and Ashton breakfast.
I would take the eggs out, and the pancake mix out, sometimes I look to be different and mix the eggs and pancake together, it taste really good honestly, but it's not for everyone.
"Ashton please come down the food is done"
I heard the music turn off and heard footsteps
"Did you mix them together again?"
I laughed
"No Ashton"
I put the plate on the table.
I sat down
"what are we doing today Ashton?"
he didn't even look at me
something was wrong
"Um, I'm staying home but you're um going to therapy...."
it was silent
I got up and put my food away
"What time am I going"
I said
Ashton looked up
"Um I believe in a hour or so"
I started walking up the stairs
"Ashton can you drop me right now after I get my stuff"
"Of course Michael"
I went to my room and locked the door
I cried a little
yes I need to go but I don't want to, everyone knows this, but Ashton puts me there and I get so mad.
i hate that place so much
I got ready and went downstairs
"Ashton I'm ready"
"mike you're gonna be really early"
"I don't care, just take me to the place please"
Ashton got up and take the keys and we both walked to the cars.
i take my phone out and started listening to music

calums pov;
I walked to my third class and texted Michael.
"Hey, my classes aren't over yet but I just wanted to talk to you."
I put my phone away and sat down, take out my books, and waited for my teacher to hurry up.
I felt someone touch me
I looked back
"o hi Finn"
he smiled at me
he take his seat
"man did I have a week, I really missed you dude, you were gone so long"
I laughed
"I wasn't gone that long"
he seat down and as soon as that happened the teacher walked in.
"Ahh good afternoon, I would you read the book I give you all on last Tuesday"
I turned red
I forgot the whole ass book, I went on the trip and forgot everything about this class, it's not one of my favorite classes.
"Everyone please take the book out and share your notes to the person next to you"
Finn looked at me
"Calum what are you doing?"
I was looking everywhere for that stupid book trying to hurry up and write stupid notes that don't matter.
"Fuck man"
"What happened calum" Finn laughed
"I think I lost the book"
"How? It so fucking big and filled with a bunch of pages that don't matter"
I laughed
"Yes dude I forgot about the whole shit when I left I was worried about me missing my fight not my dam homework"
"While whatever I'll share some notes with you and you can use them if he ask you to talk about your notes"
"Thank you Finn"
We started looking at the book and I was reading his notes trying to get gist of the story.
"Okay now please go back to your seat" said Mr.L
I sat back down in my seat, hoping he wouldn't pick me
"Okay we're going to talk about the book now"
As soon as he was talking I heard my phone ring
Everyone looked at me
I turned red
"Calum please turn your phone off or get out of my class"
I took my phone out to turn the ringer off but then I noticed Michael is calling me. I had no idea what to do, answer the phone or decline and be an idiot?
Finn looked at me
I waved bye and grabbed my bag and run out and answer the phone
"Hello Michael"
Why would I say that, I'm such an idiot just 'hello'
"Um hi calum, I'm sorry I called you unexpectedly, are you able to call?"
I started walking to my car
"Yes of course, is everything okay?"
"Yes, I'm just at therapy really early and I don't want to be here and alone"
I felt so bad that he was alone I wish I was over there to help him.
"I'm sorry, I'm here I'll stay on the phone with you until you want to stop calling or you need to go into your appointment"
"Thank you so much cal, I own you"
"Okay why are you at therapy so early?"
"Because I didn't want to be at home, and do nothing but have someone tell me how good therapy is when I know it's not."
"Michael it is good, trust me I went for 4 years after my mom died and it helped me so much, but what help me more was talking to someone I trust a lot aka my friend, his name is Luke."
"Oh my I'm so sorry cal"
It went silent.
"It's okay Michael, but I'm just saying if you don't think therapy will help maybe you to your friends, or me I'm always here if you need anything"

I put my head on my window and looked at the sky, thinking about Michael but at the same time my mom, how she would love to see me happy with a boy. How she would want to see us get married, adopt kids, and live old together. She always wished that for me but with a girl until I finally told her I was gay. She wasn't very happy at first because she pictured me with a girl at first but she later was very happy and wished me the best with a boy.

"Thank you calum,I'll go to you if I ever need to talk, or if you need to talk to me, well thank you for talking to me and keeping me safe, I'll text you later I have to go in."
"Be safe Michael and I'm always here good luck"
The next thing I heard was a beep.
I started crying because I keep thinking about my mom, how much I love her and I miss her and wish she was still here so she can hug and kiss me and tell me how proud she is of me.
Every time I think of her I remember when I come out to my family.
It was a family dinner
We sat together.
We were eating potatoes,steak, and rice.
We all got our plates and sat down and talked about my dad's new job and my sister new boyfriend, and my mom getting a raise.
I had no idea I was going to tell them that day.
It just seem like a perfect time.
I just waited until everyone stopped talking
"Hey can I tell you guys something"
"Yes of course" my mom said
"This is really hard to say but I'm gay...,"
Everyone stopped eating, and looked at me
"You're what?" My dad said
I got really scared that day, I just feel me almost crying
"I'm gay, I love boys."
My sister looked at me and give me a hug
"I'm so happy that you come at"
"You knew"
"No but yes"
My mom finally said something
"You have to love girls though calum not boys, how will you get babies"
"I can adopt"
"It won't be the same calum"
She walked out and into her room
My dad looked at me and he had tears in his eyes
He hugged me
"I'm sorry about your mom, she'll get over it, it's just hard for her right now"
He walked into her room and closed the door, I can hear her crying
My sister told me to go off into my room and she'll clean the mess.
It was an emotional day
I wipe my tears away
I started the car and drove off

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