1. Do You Mind

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Jealousy- feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages.

Cole Sat on the opposite side of the two lovers that were whispering to and constantly showing affection towards each other. He had admitted to himself not too long ago that he was in fact in love with his brothers girl friend.

Cole envied his twin brother because of it. Cole looked down at his hands suddenly finding playing with his fingers more interesting than looking at the carefree joyful couple. He glanced up once more to see them both looking at him with questioning looks.

"Did you say something?" Cole questioned assuming that he failed to hear what they had said the first time. His brother let out a soft chuckle and rolled his eyes. Oh had Cole wished that his brother would be out of the picture.

"Do you mind." He tilted his head towards Delilah then back up at him. yes, he wanted to look him in the eye and just say 'I do mind' but he would never have the courage to do that "Not at all" he lied and stood up walking upstairs to his room.

Arthur was oblivious to the fact that his little brother was crushing on his girlfriend. He just assumed that every time Cole stared at them when he and Delilah were showing affection he was not jealous due to him liking his girlfriend but about wanting someone to love him.

Cole arrived to his room after his short journey. He flopped onto his bed and groaned immediately taking out his phone texting his best friend Tommy (short for Thomas).

T- Tommy C- Cole

C- You know who is at my house

T- The girl is not Voldemort man you can say her name

C- Suck my sass

C- Ass*

T- Sorry I don't exactly think it is possible to suck your nonexistent sass

C- you're so annoying, lets talk about the girl that shall not be named now

T- Listen man I am telling you this for not only your sake but your twin brothers and Delilahs sake, DO NOT TRY ANYTHING your brother would kill you and i'm pretty sure Delilah does not wan't your STD.

C- 1 I understand that i cannot try anything. 2 I don't have a freaking STD

T- Listen I have to go

Delilah walked into Cole's room

C- Me too

Cole quickly pressed the power button on his IPhone directing all his attention to the gorgeous girl in front of him. "Your brother thinks I should get to know you more" She said looking around his room. She didn't know Cole at all, she wanted to change that, she wanted to be friends with her boyfriends twin brother.

Cole gestured to the blue and red bean bag chairs on the floor in the corner of the room. They sat across from each other in silence. Cole decided to break the ice. "So how did you and Arthur meet?" The question made him want to roll his eyes but he knew he couldn't.

Delilah smiled and looked down trying to hide the slight blush burning her face. "Well it was the first day of freshman day in college." She continued the story and Cole pretended to listen not wanting to hear the story about how the girl he loved was in love with someone else. And what made the situation worse was that the other person was his older brother.

Cole knew nothing romantic would ever happen between the two of them.

"Isn't it romantic?" She said. "Yes very I am happy for you guys" He lied faking a smile and playing with his own fingers nervously.

Delilah knew something was wrong her smile dropped. "Is something wrong Cole?" Coles head snapped up and he rapidly shook his head "No nothing at all" Cole noticed he was staring too long when she shot him a confused look.

(A/N someone tell me why Cole keeps auto correcting to Coke.)

Delilah's smile returned to her face making Cole smile too. "I'm gonna go" she gestured towards the door. They both stood up. And she waved and walked out.

Cole let out a sigh of relief that he didn't know he was holding. He walked over to his bed and lied down immediately falling asleep.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
A/N first chapter tell me what you think

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