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Dear Diary,
Ashton gave me this journal and told me to "get my feelings out" by writing. He claimed that this would make me feel better. I call bullshit, to be completely honest. Writing in some bland journal won't help at all, but I promised Ashton that I would give it a try for a week. It's not like I have anything else to do anyways. Whatever. Maybe this'll do some good.

Fuck you Ashton,


Okay here's a new Malum fanfiction! Starting off the year right ayeee. So the first part (there will be 2 parts to this fic) is gonna be strictly diary entries, but it'll become real world whatever in Part 2. I'm really excited for this, but remember, it's rated mature for a reason.


There will be mention of the following:

• self harm
• rape
• violence
• abuse
• alcohol intake
• substance abuse

If you're uncomfortable with reading about any of these, I suggest you don't read it. Although it may not be mentioned a lot, it's a huge part of the story. Please feel free to click out now. I'll put a '~' at the start of any chapter that has a trigger in it.

This is my last author's note (cause it ruins the story's vibe) unless I have something important to say, so my name's Mani, I'm the author, and enjoy! Have an amazing 2018 everyone. Oh, and I'm gonna be posting daily with this (I'm like 98% sure I am lol).


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