January 24th, 2018

49 3 0

Dear Diary,
Honestly, the poetry thing was fucking amazing. There were tons of people around my age who actually wrote their own poetry, and the emotion they portrayed on there was amazing. People even cried because of it. I wish I had a talent to write like that. They basically wrote about how shitty their life was...but in a beautiful way. Not in a "My boyfriend broke my heart" type thing, but a "I was stabbed in the chest by love itself" type of thing. It made me see how others viewed their problems.
Ashton was happy when I came with him. He had a lot of friends here. They all tried to say hi to me and shake my hand, but I hadn't been around other people in so long, so I just nodded. What a fucking idiot, right? Ashton said that I'd learn how to socially interact again as if I were going to go with him every day now. Even though I was happy I went, I didn't show it. I had no emotion. I was probably the only one in the building who didn't have emotion. No one looked at me weird, though. In fact, they didn't even pay attention to me. They were so focused on the poetry that they weren't aware of anything. Ashton asked if I had fun, and although not speaking, I nodded, and that was enough for him. He said that I should go tomorrow, and I was going to say no, but something stopped me.

It was the boy I saw.

He had the clearest tan skin that reminded me of the summer, and his eyes were a beautiful dark brown- not a weird alien color, like mine. His hair was black and beyond soft-looking; it had to be the fluffiest I've ever seen. He read his poetry with more passion than anyone in the room, and I could tell that everyone would agree if I asked. His eyes lit up when he spoke during happy lines, and his voice got soft, fragile, and full of fear and sadness when he got to the dark lines. He made me feel, and I haven't felt in forever.
I want to meet him. I know it sounds crazy, but I do. I want to see him every day now, because he's just so alluring to me. I'm probably crazy. He never noticed I was there, but he noticed everyone else in the room. It seemed as if that guy was everyone's friend. I'll have to ask Ashton about him tomorrow.

Goodnight to the beauty,

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