January 25th, 2018

45 3 0

Dear Diary,
His name is Calum, Calum Hood. It's beautiful name and I love it. I had to actually call Ashton in my room to ask, and he ran upstairs as if something were wrong. I never called.
When I called him over and asked, he grinned and sat on my bed. I let him this time. He told me that Calum was an old friend of his from high school and apparently I've met him at one point. I don't think I have, though. I can't forget a face like that. I'd never be able to forget him. He was like, imprinted in my mind. Ashton said that they didn't talk much, but they do say hi to each other. He said he could introduce me to Calum next time I decided to come.
I said no. I can't possibly talk to someone as beautiful as him. I can barely talk to Ashton. It was hopeless, and I wouldn't want to be seen as a freak. I look like a freak, just by the dark circles under my eyes and the creepy pale skin. He'd probably run away. I like watching from afar.
I'm going to the poetry show again tonight. Maybe I'll see Calum. I liked the feeling of feeling.


*once a month I do week breaks because it helps me gather my plot and shit so expect that. Daily posts are coming back again lol ~mani*

PoesíaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora