A bit shocked

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Niall's pov:

Last night was really great , I really love eating in  Nando's., the restaurant was really great and the food was so delicious. Also the rest of the night was really nice , when we went back to the house we cuddled and watched TV.

Right now I was sitting on the bed thinking , I woke really early and I had a lot of time to sit with myself. Harry was sleeping beside me , he looked really peacefully and cute. I don’t know how to think about the moment when I tripped and we were about to kiss.

Well I don’t know , Harry has been beside me all the time and I know we will always be together ,but I never thought about him more than a friendly way , even though my feeling began growing towards him.

Maybe one day we could be more than friends but for now I will keep a best friend. An idea popped on my mind and I looked at Harry and he was into a deep sleep. I hopped out of the bed and then went to the kitchen. He always cook breakfast and it is been a while since I cooked, so I start preparing breakfast.

I thought for a minute about what I am going to do then i got it . I took out the ingredients  for pancakes and start making them , I put them on top of each other and them took the nutella and headed to the room.

I walked slowly to the room and he was still sleeping , I smiled and walked to the bed place the tray on the commode . I caressed Harry's cheek to wake him up , his hand went on top of mine and he kissed it . ''Morning'' he muttered , I smiled ''Morning'', as he got up.

He sat up on the bed and noticed the tray and a smirk plays on his face, he then looked at me and said '' woke up early''., I nodded '' yeah I missed cooking so I made breakfast today''. He smiled and got up to get ready to school.


I went to my closet and got out a white t-shirt and black pants .I looked behind me and Harry was in the bathroom and he closed the door so I knew that he is taking a shower. I quickly  striped to my boxer and I was about to wear my pants Harry came out of the bathroom and inside the room.

My eyes widened and I blushed I was nearly naked and Harry was standing there staring .''Look away'', I said , he smiled and turned around as he went back to the bathroom. Without hesitation I wore my cloth quickly .

This time I went to the bathroom and harry was brushing his teeth , I went behind him and began styling my hair. When he finished I went to the sink and also brushed my teeth. I peeked my head and Harry was changing , to be honest Harry is hot he has a very nice body , those abs, his long beautiful legs , his tattoos, wow back up Niall I thought to myself , you're drooling over your best friend.

I made my way back to the room , and he was sat on the bed eating the breakfast , ''Amazing food'' he said with a mouth full of pancakes .I smiled and sat beside him as I wore my shoes. Then when we were ready we headed to school normally.


The day seemed really long even thought I am still in the 3rd lesson . I was now sitting in the English class and she said that we are suppose to give her the Shakespeare project tomorrow , and it is the final time.

I wasn’t afraid me and Harry have already finished it and ready to submit it , I looked beside me and Harry was writing something. I looked back at the teacher and it didn’t take long for the bell to ring.

I took my things and waited for Harry by the lockers , I waited for about 10 min and he didn’t come .I put my things in the locker and walked back to the English class maybe he is there. When I entered I only found the teacher '' Looking for someone?'' she questioned, I nodded '' Did you see Harry''. She smiled and said ''yeah he went out of class right after you , but I think he went the direction of the library, but wait he left you this note''.

I went and too the note from her , it read ''Hey , Nialler, wait for me at the cafeteria , I just have something really important to do . I won't be late and take care of yourself. xxx''.I smiled and thanked the teacher and walked away.


On my way to the cafeteria I saw two figure at the library , but one of them was pinning the other to the wall and holding him from his collar , he looked like he will hit him anytime. I wanted to walk away but something caught my eyes .I saw a mop of curls that looked like Harry. I scooted closer to the library door and heard '' if you ever try again to threaten Niall or tell him that I am tired of him , I will beat the crap out of your face''.My eyes widened it was Harry the one pinning the boy to the wall , and the other boy was the one who annoyed me yesterday.

The other boy looked at Harry and smirked '' Oh styles has a new crush '' I saw harry's fist curling and I knew what was coming . I closed my eyes and heard the sound of harry's fist slamming the other boy jaw. I opened my eyes and harry's eyes were dark green and the other boy on the ground wincing out of pain. I got a bit afraid , Harry was always the sweet boy , and I have never seen this side .

My brain was screaming for me to go to the cafeteria and sit normally as if I didn’t see anything but I couldn’t move , I wanted to see what is going to happen .Harry looked at the boy on the ground '' YOU DON’T KNOW A SHIT ABOUT NIALL , YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO HIM , AND YOU DON’T HAVE ANY FUCKING RIGHT TO TELL HIM THAT I GOT TIRED OF HIM , I WILL ALWAYS BE BESIDE HIM , AND I WILL NEVER LEAVE HIM , YOU'RE ALL WORTLEES HE IS AN ANGEL AND DESERVE TO BE TREATED GOOD , I SWEAR IF YOU OR ANY OF YOUR GANG CAME NEAR HIM , I WILL NOT BE HAPPY AND BE SURE TO BREAK EVERY BONE IN YOUR BODY '' harry shouted and the other boy looked at him like a lost puppy , ''DID YOU UNDERSTAND'', harry questioned the boy loudly and he nodded.

Harry smirked '' good '' he muttered and made his way out of the library . My body was frozen and I didn’t move , he looked at me with wide eyes '' Did you see what happened ?'', he questioned. I nodded but I was like a statues, I thought and found that after lunch I don’t have anything important I only have 2 lesson of gym. I cleared my mind and said ;; Harry can you drive me home ''. He sighed and nodded as we made our way to his car , I wasn’t made at him , but I was shocked I have never seen this side of him and at the same time , I didn’t like him like this , I love his kind side.I entered the car , and he began droving to my house . When we arrived I went out and to the house .

I looked around and harry was closing the door and he stood beside me , ''Nialler''. ''Look Harry I am not in the mood of talking at all ,I have a headache, and  I want to rest for a while and when I wake up we can talk''. I said as I flashed him a smile and went to my room. I didn’t want to be rude but really I had a headache and I wasn’t in the mood of talking at all.I looked at him and he nodded , but I saw a glint of sadness in his eyes.

I went to my room and stripped out my cloth and headed to the bathroom to take a nice bath. The water rand down my body and I relaxed. I didn’t take a lot of time and I got out. I wore only a boxer and dived into the bed . I closed my eyes , but I couldn’t sleep. The headache was getting a bit better . I heard a knock on my door and Harry enter with a glass of water and a pill. He smiled when he saw that I was awake. ''I got you a pill because you have a headache'', I smiled and took the pill as I thanked him.

He looked at me '' I am downstairs if you want something tell me ''. I nodded '' I am sorry '' I muttered . He smiled and looked at me '' you didn’t do anything , and I am not mad ''. I smiled '' ok because when I wake up I want to tell you something ''. I said

He nodded and leaned down and kissed my nose, I closed my eyes at the feeling of his breath on my lips . I wanted to feel those soft pinky lips on mine  but I can't . I smiled and he went out of my room .

With that I looked at the ceiling and after a bit my eyes fluttered close and I went into dream land.

HEYYYY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





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