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Hello my name is choi pehpelie

Here let me sound it out so you get it right

Peh-pel-lee there you go

No i know i have a weird name but i guess it run in the family we all have weird names

So im half korean from my dad and half Puerto Rican from my mom

My motheres name is Maria St Klar

Oh klar is clare just spelt differnt

My father is Choi Jinsoo

And my older brother Choi Eugene

Now my mother and father moved to American and ended up both working for the same plane company and fell in love

My dad married my mom and had my brother

Now its crazy but my mom and dad believes that the engine and propellers is what makes the plane a plane

So Eugene=engine

Also my parents considered me and brother victorys so we have middle names to
Him victor
Me victoriana

Me and brother look ALOT alike almost twins

we both have the black hair and green eyes and in the middle of pale and dark tan skin so golden brown but we have the big eyes but Asian shaped and big plump lips and i have a slim curvy figure and my brother is muscular and wide crazy how are fave are so much alike in the end tho

Now after my brother a year later they had me and we were the perfect family plane till...

My parents got a divorce when i was 14 and my mother took my brother to Puerto Rico with her and i was in America with my dad till times got hard and we moved to Korea

Daegu , South Korea

My dad was a sweet man so when we got there i didnt have to go to school for 2 months straight so i could get used to it

Especially because i speak so little Korean at that time

I still talk to my brother but my mom not so much in fact me and brother are the only ones still connect to each other

Now since nobody could say my name right i went by V so its easier for people

Pehpelie the couldnt pronounce right and victoriana was to long so V was my last option

My dad signed me up to go to an art school so i could be a dance voice and drawing major which i s amazing they also normal basic classes like math social studdies etc so the school is amazing

The school is already 3 months in there school year so im not that far behind

I start my first day of school tommorow

Good luck. Pehpelie your gonna meed it

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