It was Sunday morning and i opened my eyes to the sound of my phone ringing and to my complete "shock" its kim taehyung

I answered


"Hiiiiii VVVVV"

"Aish kid why are you so loud so early"

"V its 12 in the afternoon"

"Exactly thats to early for me on a sunday"

"Yeah yeah whatever come out with me for lunch or should i say breakfeast"



"I dont wanna get up"

"Ill come get you from your bed"

"No you wont"

Suddenly he hung up and my door flung open and it was Tae my eyes widened "yes i will" he said and smilled and came up to me and picked me up kicked open my bathroom door and placed me on the counter and said "get ready ill be waiting" and he left shutting the door

I was speechless from this but i rolled my eyes and got ready for the day

I was wearing white jeans with a long sleave black top and black and white low top converse with a beanie that said ZZZ in white letters

I exited my room and went down the stairs to see Tae on my couch and he looked over at me and smiled "finally" he said

"Whatever are u ready to leave" i asked

He nodded and stood and i got a good look at him while doing so

He was wearing black ripped jeans and a white sweater and black and white converse but didnt have a beanie

So we matched

"Were matching" i said

And he looked me up and down and smiled "copy cat" he said

"What its not like i meant to" i said

He smiled wider "ok sure you dont have to change lets just go"

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my wallet and phone and left shoveing then in my pocket

We were walking and suddenly he grabbed my hand and pulled me into a small ally and put a finger to my lips

"Surai is here" he said and i nodded and he removed his finger

"What do we do" i asked

"Act" he said and entwined are fingers and we walked out the ally way and walked a little further so surai would notice us but she wasnt the only one

"Yoongi?" i saw him and he looked at us and slightly frowned and stomped of and surai never laid an eye on us like she didnt even see us

So we bought some food that i dont rember the name of and went to the park

*time skip to park*

"So now that yoongi has seen us what do we do" tae asked

"Meh just go with the plan" i said "maybe even be his friend like apologize to him for being cold and if he accepts then find things on him as a male to male friend because i only know as a lover point of veiw"

Tae rolled his eyes and caught it and i smirked at the sight

"Well now what" i said and he looked at me and said "wanna go to the amusement park"

I gulped. To be honest i dont like amusement parks much but ill do it if he wants "sure" i said and we caught a cab to the place

When we got there it was loud and crowded the lines wers long and everything

"What do you wanna do first" he asked

I looked around and saw a ball and pins game and the prize was a very large stufed sloth

And i love sloths

"I. Want. That. Sloth" i said pointed he chucked and pulled me there and he paid the man and he gave Tae 5 balls and he has to knock down 10 Pins

Which he did because he was super good at it and he won me the sloth he gave it to me i twirled around with it and i had a big smile on my face

"Thank you soooo much" i said to him and he smiled

We had a good day we went on rides played mimi games ate lots of food and it started getting dark so we decided to do the ferris wheel and then go home

We went on and we were almost to the top when tae said "V this is the most fun ive had in a while thank you"

"No problem i had fun to" i said and we stopped at the top and we saw the whole city with all the lights it was very pretty

"Wow" is all i could say

"V will you do me a favor" he said

I turned to him "do me the favor of letting me cooy your homework we had this weekend" he said with a smile

"Aish pabo why cant you do it yourself"

"Because its so much easier if you do it and i copy" he replied matter-of-factly

"Aish whatever" i said and he pumped his fist to it like he won something amazing

And to think i thought it would be sentimental

We were walking home and i realized my dads car wasnt there so Tae sent me home and i waved bye and when i went inside i saw a not e on the counter

Pelie im going on a buisness trip for 2 months the envolpe is full of money for groceries and stuff the bills are paid so its ok take care love you


2 months? Thats a long time but oh well

I went and did my night routine and climbed into bed and then got a text from Tae

I had fun today see you tomorrow at school. Pabo also dont forget i get to copy your homework bye gn

Aish this kid

I turned off my phone and rolled over

Gn Kim Taehyung


Authors Note: hey sorry for this short sucky chapter but i had to fill in the small hole so the next chapter makes sense i love yall byez

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