I woke up with head hurting like hell

This wasnt my first hangover so i kmow what to do but ouch does it hurt like hell

I checked my phone its Saturday

I realised i was in my room and i dont know how i got there but you know fuck it rather here then no where right

I got up and went to the bathroom i looked like a train wreck im glad it the weekend or id get killed by my father and thats not a good thing

I went to my closet to get clothes and take a shower i grabbed a white sweater and ripped blue jeans a balck bra and panties and set it on my bed i went into my bathroom and washed up

The shower was refreshing
I brushed my teeth and was drying my hair some more after i got dressed then i heard a knock at my door and then it just opened i didnt even say come in what the fuck

And guess who it was kim tae fucking hyung

He was wearing black and white striped pants and black shirt and a leather jacket and his hair was slit and purple? Wtf and he wore black shoes *war of hormone outfit*

"What r u doin here" i said still haveing the towl on my head

He smirked and said "hello to u to but your father invited me to dinner after dropping you off yesterday i piggy backed you here because you blacked out Ms. I cant handle my liquor" he said and it made me want to punch him and my dad

"But its only 12:30 why are you here so early then" i said

He came up to me and began moving the towl shaking me a bit drying my hair then threw the towl off me and onto my floor

"Im here to to take you to a outing" he said and smiled

"An outing? Ok 2 things 1 were are we going 2 why me" i replied

"1 its a suprise from me amd the others because you were helpful yesterday and 2 because it for you" he said gave a "ha got you bitch" face

I rolled my eyes and went and grabbed black socks and slipped them on then sat on my bed "im not going" i said while doing so

"What you have to go V"

"no kim taehyung i dont"

"You can drop honorifics with me call me tae or taehyung" he said

"Ok Tae im not going just a thank you and you leaveing would be good enough of a gift"

He sighed and said "guess we gotta do this the hard way"

"Hard way? What do you mean har-" i was cut off when he picked my up and put me over his shoulder i squirmed around and yelled "TAE LET ME DOWN NOW"

"Yah stop squirming or ill drop you" he said and i stopped not wanting to be dropped for this height it would hurt alot hes like 5'10 im guessing and im 5'1 so lifes hard

He brought me down stair and i saw my dad and began squirming again "dad hey dad help me please" i said

And he said "oh hello taehyung take care of her for me" he said and my jaw dropped and i said "WHAT dad come on" then my dad said "stop it Pelie hes a keeper" and he winked my jaw dropped even more and tae said "which shoes" i sighed at exceptance that my dad just let him come and take me then i pointed "my black and white converse" he grabbed them and opened the door

"Bye Mr. Choi" tae said

"Please call me dad goodbye taehying" my dad said

"WHAT!?" i said and we were out the door and my dad already shut it i put my head down in defeat

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