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Lissa never got to finish her sentence. A loud scream made the three of us run out of the stadium. Immediately, Dimitri and I were infront of Lissa.
There was strigoi at St Vladimir's.
"Your highness," Dimitri said to Lissa. He was all business now. "Stay behind us. Did Christian come with you?"
"Christian took your kids back to the dorm" Lissa's voice was frantic. "How is this happening again?"
My heart clenched. The last time this happened, I almost lost Dimitri. "Dimitri," I whispered without looking at him. "This time...stay with me."
He didn't answer but when we turned to look at each other, I saw the promise in his eyes. Together, we took out our stakes.
"Stop," one of the strigoi stepped forward. "I just want Rose Hathaway."
"Im sorry but i'm married." I glared at him.
     "Your son. Dylan." The strigoi sneered. "We have him."
      Dimitri and I lunged forward, pinning the strigoi to the ground. "WHERE IS HE?"Dimitri growled, his eyes blazing. "Tell me!" He slashed his stake across the strigoi's face, earning a loud agonizing scream. "WHERE IS MY SON?"
"Mike!" The strigoi spat out. "Bring the boy."
A tall burly strigoi stepped out of the shadows with Dylan in his arms. There were two little puncture marks on the side of Dylan's neck. "Mommy!" He cried when he saw me. He looked just like Dimitri. The same brown eyes and hair. It was like that night all over again. Dimitri held by a strigoi, me not knowing if I could save him.
"Dylan baby!" I cried. "Don't worry, mommy and daddy will save you!"
"We just want Rose Hathaway. Give her to us and we will leave the boy. If not, the boy will die." The strigoi laughed and sneered at us. "You have one minute."
The other strigoi's hands lowered to Dylan's neck and tightened. "Rose Hathaway," he smiled. "It's your choice."
"Rose. No." Dimitri growled firmly. "I will get him." With that, he lunged into the crowd of strigoi. I followed him and fought beside him. But the strigoi kept coming.
"You have two seconds!" The strigoi reminded us. "Oh and by the way. Maybe you should check on your Queen."
Shit. Lissa. I totally forgot about her. I turned around and saw Lissa backed into a corner, trying hard to make the strigoi leave her alone by compulsion. I could see that she was getting weak. "Leave her alone!" I shouted, rushing towards Lissa.
"Like I said, we only want you." The strigoi grinned. "We'll leave as soon as we have you."
I watched as a strigoi grabbed the front of Lissa's shirt and slammed her into the wall. Looking back, I found Dimitri desperately trying to get to our son. Dylan was crying and screaming as the strigoi's hands gripped his neck.
They come first. The words meant different things to me now. My family and friends come first now. And I knew there was only one thing I could do.
"Stop!" I yelled. "I'll come with you!"
Dimitri turned back, shock and betrayal clear on his face. "Rose! No!"
The strigoi smiled "Great." He handed me a silver ring. "Put this on."
Taking one last look at Dimitri, I slipped the ring on. Blackness clouded my vision, and the last thing I heard was Dimitri calling my name.
I woke up in a dark room. I was bound to a chair with thick ropes. I shifted uncomfortably. One of the ropes was tight around my baby bump.
    "Good! You're awake!" A cold voice made my head snap around.
     It was Tasha...or what looks like Tasha. There was a red ring around her eyes and she was extremely pale. "You're...strigoi," I whispered.
Tasha smiled. "Nice to see you again, Rose Hathaway."
"She's with child again." Another voice says. I squinted at the figure and gasped. So that's how Tasha was able to compel me and Dimitri.
"Robert Doru" I snarled.
Jealous Tasha is back! And Robert Doru is back for revenge for Victor! But don't worry, Dimitri's coming to the rescue soon :)
Please comment and vote to show your support. By the way, I would like some name suggestions for Rose and Dimitri's new babies! Thanks for reading !

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