I'll Always Find You

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"Do you know why I hate you, Rose Hathaway?" Tasha snarls as she trails a cold finger across the back of my neck. I shiver slightly and grit my teeth.

    "Fuck you Tasha," I growl, straining against the ropes Tasha had so lovingly wrapped around me earlier.

   Tasha laughs, a cold emotionless sound. "Don't bother. You can't break them."

   I glare at her. "If you think you can get Dimitri by killing me. You're wrong."

   Tasha ignores me and turns to the window. Running a deathly pale hand through her hair, she stares back at me. "Has Dimitri ever told you about his past?"

I roll my eyes. "Whatever you say. I won't believe you. Even if I do, it doesn't matter. The past is the past."

"Oh no Rose." Tasha smiles coldly. "This you'll want to hear...before you well, die. You know how Dimitri and I were friends? We were so close for so many years. And believe me, he had many admirers. Myself included. How the girls flung themselves at him. And many were incredibly attractive. Atleast way better than you in my opinion. But he never showed any interest in any of them." Eyes blazing, Tasha yells at me, "until you came along! He's never looked at anyone the way he looks at you. What makes you different?! You're just a stupid little dhampir!"

    As much as I'd love to celebrate the fact that I'm the only girl Dimitri has shown interest in, I don't have time for it. I bite my inner cheek, forcing myself not to scream and curse at Tasha. I have to stay calm. "You won't gain anything from this. Tasha please. I am a mother now. Let me go."

    "Now. Now. Rose Hathaway. The fun is just beginning." Tasha turns back to the window.

Just then, I feel a sharp pain and pricking sensation on my wrists.


My eyes widen as the pain increases. It must be Christian. Forcing my face to stay straight, I slowly stretch against the ropes. A bead of sweat trickles down my neck as the heat grows more intense. I struggle to keep from wincing. With a final tug, I am free.

Tasha's eyes are still fixated on something outside. Stealthily, I grab the chair and fling it at her. The chair knocks her over and she snarls before regaining her balance. Adrenaline rushing through my veins, I sprint to the door and throw myself into it. The door gives way easier than I had expected and I dart off down a dark corridor. Tasha curses as she follows me.

Suddenly, a hand grabs me and pulls me into a brick wall. Heart pounding, I try to the twist the hand but it twists my arm instead so I am unable to move. Seeing no other options, I open my mouth wide and clamp my teeth around the arm. A familiar chuckle makes me jump.

That wonderful buttery sound. I would know it anywhere. I relax and my arm is freed.

"Roza," my husband's beautiful voice flows into my ear, "I don't think biting a strigoi is a good strategy."

I can't help but grin as I turn around and fling myself into his chest, aka the brick wall. "Sorry comrade, I panicked."

"I was so worried about you, my wife." Dimitri whispers into my hair. He pulls me tight against him while one of his hands gently rubs my belly. "I'll get you out of here Roza. Don't worry. I'll always keep you safe, I'll die for you if I have to."

I bury my head in his chest, breathing in the familiar and calming scent of his cologne. "You know that's not what I want. Keep yourself safe Dimitri, please. That's the most important thing to me I can't lose you. I'd rather die than be without you."

Dimitri nods, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. Love is selfless. We want the best for the person we love. Their happiness and wellbeing is more important than yours. And that's something Tasha will never understand.

As if on cue, Tasha's laugh rings down the hallway. "Dimitri! I know you're here!"

Pushing me behind him, Dimitri leaps out to face Tasha. "Dimka," Tasha whispers, her voice still cold and emotionless. "Come to me Dimka. We're still friends right? A relationship like ours doesn't just end!"

"You're not Tasha anymore," Dimitri replies coldly, a silver stake flashing in his hand. Without looking back, he tosses it at me and retrieves another one from his pocket. He motions for me to stay back and charges towards Tasha.

Just then, a group of about twenty strigoi rum down the hall toward us. Damn. Probably Tasha's stupid little minions. I immediately rush forward to assist my husband. And oh man. Theses strigoi are strong. Seeing from their fighting skills, they were probably formerly trained dhampirs.

"Roza!" My head whips up and I see Dimitri flinging himself towards me. "No!" He growls as a strigoi grabs me before I can react and tosses me back down on the ground. Hard. I groan feeling a sharp pain radiating in my belly.

Dimitri rushes to my side, furiously staking ang strigoi coming near us. "Our babies, are they okay?"he asks worriedly. Before I can speak, Tasha grabs Dimitri's neck with lightning speed and sinks her fangs into it. Growling like a rabid animal, I launch myself at Tasha.

I won't lose Dimitri again. Especially not to this psychotic back stabbing bitch.
Author's note
Hi guys! Sorry for not updating for so long. I'm just been super busy. I'm thinking of ending this story soon, probably the next chapter will be the final one. Let me know if you'd like it to be longer.

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