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Sketch has really changed.He changed in a way in which he's not enjoyable in some videos.I don't watch him that often anymore.Like I have notifications on his channel on but I don't click on the videos at all.Unless they have a good title and isn't a clickbait video.I also don't watch the pals as much.I watch Alex and Denis and Sub and Corl a lot but not the actual pals channel.I only watch the videos Sketch isn't in.Also,I think his personality has rubbed on Alex and Denis and Corl.Thank goodness Sub is still the same Sub from the beginning.I just feel like he made such a bad impact on the Pals channel that I just don't like it.I even tried to leave the Pals fandom at one point but I went straight back because I couldn't stand the guilt of leaving it.I don't even watch his brother Ethan or BandiRue that much.This may seem like the stupidest thing you have ever read but like I thought they would have different personalities.Ethan is just like the second Sketch channel.He's trying to be just like his brother.Maybe he's not trying to be just like his brother,it's just my thoughts.I just see no difference between their videos.Sketch and the other pal members has changed everything in my eyes and the changes are making many people leave the fandom.

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