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These were my opinions of Sketch.If your a big Sketch fan,please don't hate on me.You may think differently than I think and that's ok.Sketch ruined the Pals and sometimes only cares of himself but that's what I believe.I just wish Elijah could be like he was before.The newer Sketch fans might say "NOO ELIJAH,MY BABY!YOU ARE GOOD JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!" but if you're like me and been with the pals for over a year,then you won't blame me for saying that.Just watch one of the pals older videos that Sketch wasn't in compared to the newer pals videos that sketch is in or any other pals member is in  and you'll see a huge difference.I also wish the other pals members could go back how they were before.Maybe if they began to act like they acted before,then many other people that left the Pals fandom would come back.Well,that's my story.Hope you enjoyed.Bye and have a good day.

(Dear Sketch,if you're happen to be reading this,I'm sorry.I just have this feeling.)

My opinions of Elijah (Sk3tchYT)Where stories live. Discover now