Part 1

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They burned, this wasn't something I had felt before, at that moment a small voice seemed to speak to me, "Protect Hiryū,"

"How? I can't even see what's ahead of me"

"Just as the first Shi ryū did"

A small light shone through the ever present sea of darkness that had plagued me since I was young. The light grew until it had taken over the entire space, causing me to close my eyes, and as I opened them, a new scene played before, something I've only heard about until now...

3rd Pov

A young noble girl, stood at the 2nd story open window, her long purple hair blowing slightly in the soft breeze as her clouded eyes stared out at the vast land outside the wall, but to her, there was nothing, just darkness. The light scraping of her sliding bedroom door opening, caused her to turn her head towards the sound, familiar footsteps began walking towards her.

"Hideko-sama" and elderly woman's voice rang out, it was a comforting voice, something she became familiar with over her 19 years of life.

"Yes, Rusui?" The girl asked, a small smile on her face.

"It's time to prepare for the king's arrival" her caretaker shuffled around, placing a garment in Hideko's hands, "What do you think about this one?" Hideko run the fabric through her hands, she nodded, handing the fabric back to her caretaker. Rusui smiled though the girl could not see it, she carefully placed her hands on Hideko's shoulders, so she didn't scare the small adult. Rusui swiftfully led the noble to a chair, and began to apply makeup over the girl's cheeks, skillfully covering the dark purple scales under the girl's soft clouded eyes. Rusui continued until the scales seemed to disappear under the thick layers of makeup. The caretaker applied some makeup to her eyelashes, to bring out the noble girl's pale unseeing eyes. Hideko's hair was then skillfully placed into a partial bun on the back of her head, secured scarlet ribbon, before adding to feather accents to the bun along with two golden chains that ran along her hair.

"You look beautiful miss, you'll definitely attract some suitors!" Rusui cheered as she clapped her hands and pulled the purple haired girl out of the chair.

"No one wants a blind girl to be there wife, Rusui" She said with a sigh, as Rusui began dressing her for the ceremony in the robes she had picked out before. After Rusui finished dressing her, straightening the robes until everything was perfect.

"Alright, Miss, all done" she tells her, stepping back a bit to examine her work, "you look, just beautiful, miss!"

Hideko smiled sadly, "if only I could see your work," She quickly shook her head and faced towards the door, taking cautious steps towards it. Rusui smiled sadly at her, as she followed behind the blind maiden just to make sure she didn't run into anything or anyone, which was unlike for Hideko, seeing as she had lived there for her entire life, with her ears to help guide her. Hideko continued down the winding hallways, the cheers of the people grew louder as she approached the front entrance where the city's people were gathered to watch the arrival of King Hiryū and his trusted warriors. Hideko pushed open the door, walking outside, the sound of noise intensifying, she quickly grabbed Rusui's arm as she covered her ears.

"Miss, are you alright?" Rusui yelled as she tried to be heard over the loud chatter of the people. Hideko shook her head as she continued forward with the help of Rusui, she stopped next to her father, and stared out at the see of people, with unblinking eyes. The crowd silenced and began to part as five figures walked through the mass of people, the king walked ahead as four others walked behind him. As the group got a majority of the way up the stairs, the nobles smile faltered as a vision shown in the darkness, along with a voice that echoed in her head, "Protect Hiryū" The vision faded as as she moved forward, everything seemed to go in slow motion as she raced forward, pushing the king out of the way, taking the incoming arrow in the shoulder. Hideko let out a pained noise as she gripped her shoulder, turning to look into the crowd as the archer ran though she could not seeit. Rusui ran up beside, Hideko, "Hideko-sama?!" She quickly pulled the noble up and dragged her away from the eye of shocked citizens. Rusui dragged her through the winding hallways and back to Hideko's room, "What was that?!" the caretaker demanded, as she examined her wounds.

"I...saw something...a vision of some sort" Hideko mumbled, biting down on a piece of wood, as Rusui pulled the arrow from her shoulder. Tears began rolling down Hideko's cheeks as Rusui began cleaning, and bandaging her wounds.

"What do you mean you saw something?" Rusui said coldly, her voice sounding more like a mother then a care taker, she always got like this when Hideko got hurt or got in trouble.

"I don't know, I just did" Hideko stated, tense as Rusui put light pressure as she bandaged the wound.

"I'm getting too old for this!" Rusui said as she secured the bandages tight.

Hideko shoved her away, "Then retire" She said calmly her voice sounding much older than her small body would portray.

"I can't, who will take care of you then?!" She demanded tears forming in her eyes, Hideko stood, wrapping her arms around her sobbing caretaker.

"I'm not a child anymore, you don't need to take care of me like one," Rusui let out another sob, "You raised me since I was young, I've always considered you my mother, I want you to be happy, and live your life, free of me."

Rusui pulled away, wiping the tears from her eyes, "Is that what you want, Miss?" Hideko nodded, more tears began to swell in her own eyes, "Alright, but whenever you get married I want an invitation, even if I'm dead, I'll rise from the dead to see the child I raised, married." Rusui quickly placed a small kiss on the noble girl's forehead before pulling her into a hug, where they stood for a few moments in silence, Rusui slowly released her, turning and walking out of the room, not before turning back once more, offering Hideko a small smile, she couldn't see, before closing the door.

Hideko sighed as she walked to the side of her room, running her hand along the table until her hands bumped into the water basin. She slowly grabbed a cloth next to the basin and began to wash the thick layer of makeup and tear stains from under her eyes. Hideko sighed as she pulled another robe on, before standing out by the window once more, running her fingers lightly over the bandages. She slowly closes her eyes as the breeze blows calmly over her skin, she could still hear the commotion in the distance, though it was beginning to fade. The sun was beginning to dip into the sky from its high noon position, the sun shone on her face, her pale skin seeming to glow in the light. The sound of people passing below caught her attention, so she silently listened in, though she had been shamed for it many times, she didn't care.

"-isn't his daughter blind, how would she be able to see the arrow coming when, blue dragon over here couldn't see it?"(Hakuryū)

"Gu-En, please calm down, we are guests here there is no reason to complain."(Hiryū)

"I'm not complaining I'm just confused that's all"(Hakuryū)

"I doubt we'll be able to talk to her, with her newly acquired injures, its best if we try to talk to her at dinner" (Hiryū) Hideko silently walked away from the window, she had heard enough. That night at dinner, Hideko skipped, taking the food in her room instead, she was still sad over the upcoming departure of her caretaker, not wanting to speak to anyone, she continued this for the remaining days until the king left.

Part 1 End

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