Part 2

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-Five months later-

A trade route was being developed between her city and the empire, Hideko's wound healed and she was fully allowed to leave the castle again. Her old caretaker, Rusui retired and was replaced with interchangeable maids, at least until they found a replacement or Hideko was married off to one of the many suitors she had acquired over the last few months. Hideko once again stood at her window, her hair flowing behind her as the breeze picked, today she would accompany her father to the capital empire where he would meet with King Hiryū to discuss the trade route. Hideko sighed as she rested her hand against the window sill, the soft scraping over her door opening caught her attention as she turned towards the door, stood there were two maids, Ino and Sayuri, who Hideko had grown familiar with after Rusui left.

"Miss, the carriage has been loaded up, it's time to depart." Sayuri the soft spoken one of the two stated. Hideko nodded as she followed behind the two listen to there in sync footsteps, helping calm her beating heart. As they continued, Hideko brought a hand up to her face, running it along the thick layer of makeup under her eyes, she was honestly quite fed up with it, mostly because no one seemed to explain the reasoning to her. After a few minutes she was loaded into a carriage with her father who she had not spoken to for quite awhile, sometimes she gets the idea that he forgot his daughter was blind, leaving her on her own in places she's never been before no doubt this trip would be the same.

"Are you excited, Hideko?" Her father, Tsutanai, asked, smiling happily at his only child.

"Why should I be? You're just going to leave me by myself and go off to talk to the king." She said bluntly resting her head on her hand prepare for the lengthy trip ahead. Time seemed to pass quickly as her father stayed quiet for the majority of the trip, only speaking when trying to point out trees and things outside the carriage before silencing himself once more. When they finally arrived at the castle, Hideko climbed out quickly with the help of one of the castle servants. A little ways away stood the king two of his top warriors standing beside him, Hideko tensed as she stood next to her father as he greeted his majesty. Hideko swiftly bowed at the command of her father, King Hiryū chuckled softly at them as he slowly approached them, his eyes drifting over the nobleman quickly, landing on the nobleman's daughter, her pale eyes stared right at him unbeknownst to her, he smiled, turning his attention back to the man.

"You two must be exhausted from your trip, why not rest before dinner, and we'll discuss things in the morning" He instructed the two before turning to one of the men behind him, "Zeno, lead Miss Hideko to her room, I have a few things I would like to discus with her father before dinner."

'Zeno' nodded as he slowly approached Hideko, slowly he grabbed her hand, not wanting to frighten her, "come miss, i'll show you to your room" Zeno lightly pulled her away from Hideko and her father and down an echoing hallway. "Miss, why do you where so much makeup on your face, I think your skin is pretty, you shouldn't cover it up"

Hideko blushed lightly as they continued to walk, "My father required it, he said I looked to much like my mother" she told him, it wasn't an a lie, she did look like her late mother.

Zeno gripped her hand, "I'm sorry I brought it up" he said ashamed, dipping his head slightly. Hideko shook her head as she reached out and patted his shoulder, "it's ok," she mumbled before the two went, until they arrived at her room, "Alright, here you go, if you need any help you can ask the staff or find me alright?" Zeno asked glancing over at her, Hideko nodded as she reached her arms out cautiously before finding the door, and pulling it open. She slowly stepped inside, closing the door behind her, she cautiously took steps around the room to get an idea of where she would be staying. Time went by and soon she was being lead to the dining hall by an unnamed servant, once they arrive the servant lead her to her seat, bowed and quickly scurried away. Hideko sighed as she sat, she wasn't hungry, nor did she want to interact with her father.

"How was your day Hideko?" Her father asked, setting down his bowl, turning his attention to her.

"Boring." She said bluntly as she poked the untouched rice with her chopsticks, a blank expression on her face.

"Why aren't you eating Miss?" Zeno asked turning to look at the pale eyed girl, confusion written on his face.

"Not hungry" she stated, standing from her place, slowly tracing her steps back to the door.

Before she exited the room, a voice spoke up, "When you do get hungry, just ask one of the staff, they'll get something for you" King Hiryū stated, a kind smile gracing his soft feature. Hideko swiftly nodded as she exited the room and hurried her way back to her room, bumping into a few things on the way. As she arrived in her room, she walked over to one of the tables in the room, her hand softly bumping into the water basin that had been placed in her room recently, most likely after she left for dinner. She slowly picked up a cloth, bringing it to her face, she began wiping the thick makeup off her face, revealing her purple scales against the soft glow of a nearby candle. At that moment another vision came upon, she could only catch bits and pieces before it ended, a small knock echoing through the the room.

She quickly lifted her head from its down position, peering at the door with pale eyes, "....yes?..." Hideko says quietly before clearing her throat, saying it again, "Yes?"

The door slowly slided open, as King Hiryū poked his head in, smiling at her softly, "I came to-" he stopped upon seeing the scales adorning her her cheeks, Hiryū fully stepped into her room, taking a few steps towards her, "those scales..." Hideko flinched back as his hand lightly touched the scales on her right cheek, "I missed you Shi ryū"

Hideko's eyes widened, "Shi ryù? Shi ryū...." she looked down scrunching her eyebrows slightly as she repeated it to herself silently, "I don't believe we've talked before, how could you...miss me?" Before Hiryū could speak again, Hideko let out a small scream, holding her head in her hands, as words repeated themselves in her head, a blinding light filled her vision, as it clear she was brought into a different plane, a purple dragon swirled its way around her, its eyes were pale much like her own. Hideko looked around in confusion as she took everything around her in,"in this plane you have been gifted sight, it will only last here. You have seen vision of the close future that I gifted you with. 20 years ago I descended to earth to examine this place you call home, to see if it was fit for my master's arrival, as I flew through the sky, a woman noticed me, she was frail and kind to the creatures around her. As I descended towards her as she welcomed me with a soft smile, she was different for other humans I had seen. Over the months I spent there we became close, until one day, she collapsed...I hadn't known then that she had become weaker with the child she carried, I worried for her, she didn't seem like she would make it, so for her, the being the care for the most under my master, I offered her my blood, to strengthen her. Little had I known that it had no affect on her, but that it was transferred to the child she held. A month later she gave birth to a little girl, and just as the woman I had grown to love, took her last breath, her child opened their eyes and smiled at me, small scales adorning their cheeks, along with her pale eyes and purple hair. That child was you, Hideko, you survived because of your mother's sacrifice, do not allow that to got to waste, protect Hiryū, he is you master, you must protect him with your life" the voice and light began to fade, and she regained her awareness of the world around her, she was kneeled out the ground, Hiryū kneeled before her, his hands on her shoulders to help steady her.

"Master Hiryū, I'm sorry I didn't realize it sooner" she said calmly, all of the pain and distress she just felt never showed in her voice, like it never happened. Hiryū stared at her in shock before quickly recovering, standing, her grabbed her hand and pulled her up.

Hiryū softly smiled at her, though he was aware she couldn't see it, "it's nice to have you back, Shi ryū, the others will be glad to see you as well."

End part 2

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2017 ⏰

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