Chapter 3

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We started by adoring stupid questions then we got to more serious ones.
"So Emily Truth or Dare?" Asked Corbyn.


"Who was your official first boyfriend when and where was your first kiss." He asked.

"Um Corbyn that's 2 questions." Daniel said

"No one said that I could not ask more than one question. Now Emily Go on" he said obviously interested in my answer.

"My first Officail boyfriend name is Tanner we have been together for 2 years. And my First kiss was at my 13 birthday party." I said answering his question.

"Ohh so you have a boyfriend." Corbyn asked



"Oh ya Tanner Fox." I said

"TANER FOX??!? YOU ARE DATING THE TANNER FOX?!???" Corbyn Yelled/Asked

"yup the one and only." I said
I heard sighs coming from the other boys when I saidx that.  But I just ignored it.

"Well then maybe you could introduce me to him j am a huge fan of his?"

"Ya sure I will call him later."

"Thanks oh and who was your first kiss??" Corbyn asked

"Oh um... it was the one and only Daniel Seavey."

"Rly?" They all yelled except for Daniel and me

"Yup it was quite funny actually." Daniel said

"What happened??" Corbyn asked

"Well we were at my birthday and I don't eat much so Daniel and I shared a. Piece of cake. Daniel was getting me all messy so I went over to the table and I grabbed a piece of cake with my hands and threw it at him. He stumbled and fell backward and me being me I fell too. Then he said "here we are again" and then I said "but there is something different" and then he said "what is it" then I kissed him
I said "that's what it is" then i got up and walked away." Thats the story

"Oh that's actually quite cute" Zach Said

So the boys asked more questions to each other until it was my turn again. And Eben and August had joined us.
And we had them everything else hat had happened.

"Emily truth or dare?" August Asked


"I dare you to prank call Tanner and tell him u cheated on him and then to make it up to him film it for his YouTube channel." He said

I kind of questioned it but he has pranked me a lot but I she asked him not to post it on his channel.

"Okay Emily I am ready when u are" August said while setting up te camera

"Okay." I said

"Okay 1 2 3"

"Hi guys it's Emily. I have not talked to I guys in a while, but I wanted you guys to kneo that I love u all.  Okay so today I am going to be pranking Tanner I am going to be calling him and telling him that I cheated him. So let's do it"

The Call
Tanner Emily

Hi baby

Hi Love  What are you doing

Nothing much just here at the WDW house What r u doing?

Nothing much waiting for my mom to pick me up from the airport

Oh ya I forgot u went back home.

Ya I did I am really excited to see everyone


Ya babe?

I want to tell you something big I want you to know that I love you. I made a stupid mistake.

Emily Your scaring me please don't tell me you did what I think you did

Tanner I did I am so sorry Tanner I love you with all my heart

Emily who was it

Tanner it was Jonah Marais

Emily who is that

Tanner he is one of he WDW boys
I'm sorry I love you and I know I made a mistake I just hope you can forgive me

I forgive u but I won't forget it and o don't wanna be together anymore

Tanner can I tell you something else

Ya what is it


Omg Emily I swear I literally started crying in the middle of an airport You have got to be serious And please tell me you recorded it?

Awww Baby u were citing I love you so much And yes I filmed every second

I love you too so much plz don't ever do that to me again

I can't make any promises

Fine but you know what that means

No not really

It means prank wars is on baby!

Oh no

Oh yes but you know I love you

I love you too can I call u later I gotta finish the vid

Ya sure love you baby

I love you too tanny Fox bye


So ya guys that happened I really hoped u enjoyed the prank Until next time bye! I said to the camera

"Okay guys done." I yelled

"Great" they yelled back

"CORBYN I AM GOING TO FACETIME TANNER FOR U U HAVE 10 SECONDS TO GET YOUR ASS UP HERE!" I yelled from stairs. I heard loud steps comeing up

"I'm here!" Corbyn yelled

"Okay let's call him."

WC: 900

Bye loves😘

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