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A/N   The Love Yourself highlight reel has got me confused tf out. People said Seokjin went back in time but then others are saying that he was just thinking about a good life and then others are saying the world with the girls are the memories while everything else is the present. Lmao idek what to think.

I think I might have fallen in love at first sight...sort of. Just there's this boy and I saw him once and his smile just looked so sad, like I could sympathize with him, and I found myself wanting to be the one to make him smile. Is that creepy? Then a few days later I met him because of work and he is so soft spoken and shy it's cute. And I mean he's attractive like really attractive, and I don't know, maybe I'm off my rocker after the whole Jimin escapade. At least your ex had the decency to apologize, sounds like he cared for you, he was just an idiot. If you can be friends with him then I applaud you, it might be nice after a while (after you can heal properly) because you have a history with that person, you know what I mean?


Yoongi puts in his note and pulls out the other and heads to his car to read it.

I feel like a school girl but OMG, I need to calm down I'm getting excited for nothing. But the other day I was at this restaurant with my hyung and I caught this guy looking at me, at least I hope he was because I thought he was really cute. Then a few days later he's working with me for something and I was really nervous and shy, well I always am but more so then. Yeah that was all really nothing happened but in my head, he asked me out and we already got married so who's the winner now? Not me still but I can dream, can't I? I hope everything is going well for you :) Can I ask how old you are? I'm 20, I just thought that since we're sending these notes we could familiarize ourselves a little more, so are you older or younger?


Yoongi grins they literally are both having some luck, and he finds it cute what the boy wrote and now he knows for sure that he is the hyung and the boy is the dongsaeng. Yoongi grabs his notebook and a pen quickly writing another note.

I'm 25, so I'm your hyung. Nah you are a winner because I may have done the same thing...maybe... I'm nervous like I literally just met him but I want to take him out on a date, and I'm scared because it would be really awkward If he said no and if he says yes, then I feel like I'm just going to be thinking that he will eventually cheat on me like Jimin... and I'm not sure I can handle that again. I suppose I will just have to man up because this guy is really adorable, and I really, extremely want to get to know him.


Yoongi quickly puts the new note in the tree before heading home for the day.


"Ah hyung it wasn't a date, his friends were there plus they're the ones who invited me" Jungkook says, even though he's wishing it was a date.

"Ok so it wasn't a date but he's the one who was staring at you so that has to count for something, maybe they asked you because he told them about the beautiful boy he saw" Namjoon grins, nudging the younger boy earning a smile.

"So Hoseok texted me" Namjoon states watching his friend's reaction.

"Well you guys are friends that's normal" Jungkook shrugs, playing around in his salad, "Why'd I even get this"

"He wanted to know how you were" Namjoon says, giving the younger a breathy chuckle when he swaps their plates.

"How are you Kookie?" He asks

"I'm okay, I miss him a lot he was always there to hold me at night and... I just miss him a lot, but I'm okay" Jungkook sighs.

"You're okay because you planned out the rest of your life with this photographer, right?" Namjoon smirks trying to lighten the mood.

"I never should've told you anything!" Jungkook mutters embarrassed.

[Sent: 5:37]

Do you mind coming over? There's something I want to give you.

[Received 5:38]

I'll be right there.

It's weird for Jungkook to see Hoseok again after he last came over asking for a second chance or to be friends in the least.

"I just wanted to give this to you, obviously you don't have to keep it, but I painted it for you to begin with" Jungkook says handing a painting to Hoseok.

"It's not finished, I couldn't continue working on it after..." Jungkook drifts off.

"Thank you" Hoseok states referring to the painting, Jungkook simply nods.

"Um so Namjoon said you're seeing a photographer" The elder says.

"I'm not seeing him, he took my photos for a magazine and his friends invited me to have lunch with them" Jungkook says, before realizing Namjoon probably said that to show Jungkook is all good and moving on.

"But you like him" Hoseok infers, Jungkook doesn't say anything and he eventually gives a small nod.

"If it's you then he probably likes you back" Hoseok smiles lightly, "I should go, it was good to see you and know you're doing okay"

Jungkook watches the elder leave and the sting in his chest that he felt the first time he left is noticeably a lot less painful.

I think I'm moving on. I wonder if it's because my ex is just a nice person it's hard to stay mad at him, I'm a forgiving person, or because of the guy I fake planned our wedding.  I like him and we've barely talked to one another much but, I want him to ask me out.  I want to move on fully and I want to do that with him. Remember when I talked about love at first sight, well the second time I saw him, I just felt so much and I think I'm smitten with him already.  I just don't want him to think (if he asks me out) he's a rebound. What do you think, if you were said guy would you believe you were only a rebound?


Ps. How is it going with you and that guy you might like? Have you asked him out like you wanted to? Tell me everything!

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