Open Up.

8 1 3

My eyes snap open to a blinding light.

What happened? Where am I?

I sit up and notice that I have something in my hand. I slowly open up my hand and there lays a small, red key. The handle of the key twirls into the shape of a heart.

Where did this key come from? What is it for? Where the hell am I?

I stand up and walk towards the door of my bright, steel chamber. The chamber is just big enough to fit the bed and toilet that are stuffed into the corner. I walk to the door which is adjacent to the toilet and tug on the knob. Locked.


I try the key.

Of course not. Great!

I go sit on the bed and feel a pain in my chest. I lay my hand upon it to feel it burning. My mind then goes black.

When I wake, the key is stabbed into my chest. It does not hurt, but it feels good. As a smile reaches my lips, the key begins to glow. I have found the key to my heart, and I have opened up to myself. I am smiling as I fade away into peace.

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