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*time skip to a few weeks later because I'm a lazy fuck who hasn't updated in god knows when and is way too uncommitted to write all that boring crap about moving stuff in and going shopping. Shot me.*

       I wake up at around 2am. I have no idea why. I just kinda...woke up.
      I look out the big window to the woods below, getting chills at the erie aura of it. It must have rained sometime during the night. The dark and the post rain effect usually made the outside world look like something out of a horror movie. I shake those thoughts out of my head and push the covers off me, then getting up and heading downstairs.
      I sit in the kitchen and contemplate what I could do. Can I make a Mac and cheese cup at 2 in the morning? Is that aloud? Wait, I live alone. There are no rules, I can do whatever the fuck I want. Sighing, I wish that was what all of life was like. Unfortunately, society exists and there's pressure put on you to live up to this or that, which sucks.
       I huff and stand up to grab a snap cup from the cabinet. I set it on the counter and turn around, placing my hands on the counter behind me. The house was too quiet. I pushed myself off the counter and head into the living room, connecting my phone to the stereo and playing Panic! At the Disco.
    I danced back to the kitchen, singing along with the song. I put my mac and cheese in the microwave and turned around, wondering what the time difference between hear and Illinois was, and whether or not Riley was awake. I went into the clock app on my phone and found that it was only a one hour time difference. I figured she would be awake and shot her a text as I got my food out of the microwave.

*so this chapter is utterly out of context and out of no where with nothing to do with anything. I just figured I needed to update and came up with this idea and then BAM! a chapter was born*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2017 ⏰

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