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11 years earlier

"PUSH!!!" Snow smiled holding my hand. "I am going to kill you, you son of a mother fucking bastard!!!" I growled out pushing and slumping; tired. "Come on love, one more push, our little angel is almost here!" Snow smiled kissing my forehead, I sighed knowing he was right. I pushed once more and a tiny and very much girl squeal filled the air. "All three were born safely and very healthy Alpha." the pack doctor rolled the little crib over with the triplets.

"What are the names?" Doctor asked smiling. "The first born male, Zander Rain Riverson, second baby boy, Shane Slade Riverson, and out little angel, Dawn Anna Riverson." Snow cooed, we had already picked out the names, we adored them so much. "Mommy am I big brother now?" A happy Weylin raced into the room once the Doctors allowed it. "Yes Weylin, you are a big brother now." I smiled looking at my four children.

11 years later

[I had typed this and had two more sentences than the computer froze and ha to shut off, didn't get that saved and I am so pissed!!!!]

“Mom! Tell Shan to give me back my Batman toy!” Zander yelled stomping down the hallway. “Zander, you two need to share, plus you are meant to be grounded, not playing with toys.” I scolded him and he just pouted. “But Mom!” Zander whined. “No buts young man!” I scolded, glad Snow walked in when he did.

“You need to listen to her Zander, you put glue in a teachers drink! The only reason she is fine is because she is a wolf and only consumed a tad. You are in big trouble mister.” Snow told him. “But dad, she was a meany!” Zander tried to defend himself and Snow chuckled.

“She can be mean all she wants, she never hurt you. And trust me, if she had ever hurt you I know your mother would have killed her without a second thought. Your hot headed mother.” Snow groaned the last part and I could smell his arousal.

“Fine, this isn’t over!” Zander growled running upstairs. “Love you to son.” Snow sighed. “Daddy!” Dawn squealed jumping up in her daddy’s arms, she was such a daddy's girl. “Hey there princess.” Snow smiled and Dawn pouted. “I am A ninja!”  “Ok, Ninja Princess!” Snow smiled and kissed her cheek as Shane jumped on his back.

“Dad! You are home!” Shane yelled, he liked to wrestle around with Snow any chance he gets. “Hey there boy!” Snow chuckled sitting Dawn down and tickling Shane. “Hey mommy, daddy, can I go over to Suzy’s tomorrow? Please!!!!!” Dawn begged betting her eyes knowing her daddy could barely say no to them. “I will talk to uncle Axel first.” Snow sighed and she ran upstairs cheering.

“Where is Weylin?” SNow asked me kissing my cheek. “He is with Ally duh.” I smiled stirring dinner. “Man, wait until he shifts in a few days, she is already 15, soon to be 16, when they both know of being mates, they will be inseparable.” Snow chuckled and I sighed. “I know, don’t remind me, my baby is growing up way to fast.”I pouted crossing my arms Werewolves with alpha genetics shift at 12. “You have 3 more to help out.” SNow chuckled. “Unless you want more?” Snow smirked wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. “Not unless you want to give up your Alpha position because I have cut your balls off.” I smirked and he pouted and slightly wincing before a full out glare. “You would never! You love me too much!” Snow smirked thinking he had an upper hand.

“Nah, I love Snow JR. better, at least he has a one track mind.” I smirked and he pouted before licking my neck. “Do you really feel that way?” Snow’s voice was husky and heavy; alluring. “Oh babe, you know I am just playing around, Let go I have to finish dinner then we can play.” I smirked biting his bottom lip as he growled.

“Don’t start something that you can’t finish right away mate.” His voice was low and seductive like, making both me and my wolf needy. “Dinner, then playtime.” I said firmly; trying to convince myself mainly.  

“Your father sent us an invite to his wedding.” Snow called out as he walked to the closet and put his jacket up. “When can we have our own wedding? We have been engaged for 7 years now.” I pouted and he chuckled hugging me from behind. “Whenever we can make time, we have been so busy, 4 kids, the pack, training and so on.” Snow sighed. He was just as upset about us not getting married as I was, we both wanted me to have his last name.

“What’s for dinner?” Snow asked stepping back and setting the table.  “Jerk chicken with cucumber and pineapple dressing.” I smiled. [I had learned this in culinary arts and love it!!!!] “Smells good, I guess I am going to go ahead and go get Weylin.” Snow stretched, his v-shape playing peek-a-boo with his shirt and it was getting me aroused. “No need, I am here, Adam dropped me off.” Weylin spoke rushing upstairs. “TIME FOR DINNER!” I shouted up the stairs.

Ok, sorry I know it is short but I had already typed it then my laptop crashed and its pretty late I have school but know I said I would do a chapter tonight so here. Remember to comment and vote!!!!

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