Chapter 3: Jarco

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Star swiped her scissors from the table, and with one last breath of hesitation, she cut open a pathway to Earth.

As she stepped through, she expected to see Marco or Mr. andMrs. Diaz but instead recognized the living room of the Diaz household.


Star walked around, nostalgia hitting her like a brick wall.

She was surprised to see that there was clutter around the house as if they had left in a hurry with no time to clean up. Star remembered Mrs. Diaz to be fussy with the way her house looked.

Star made her way up the stairs. She noticed the door to her old room was slightly ajar and walked towards it. As she entered, she smiled at the sight. Everything was exactly the same. Mrs. Diaz seemed to have kept it clean, maybe in case she returned. Or maybe some of Star's magic lingered and waited for her to come back for it.

Her fingers grazed lovingly against her trunk full of cuddles and stabbies, which promptly opened. She made her way to her Magic Mirror where she would make either weekly calls to her mom which she'd ignore or emergency calls when she got in some kind of situation that her magic couldn't handle.

She wondered if it still worked but kept herself from trying it. She started up the stairs and waved at her little pufferfish, Goldy, who seemed to have grown and had her own little family. She'd have to thank Mrs. Diaz for also feeding her puffer.

A breeze kissed her face and she turned to her balcony where she could remember every little detail of the Blood Moon Ball when she first felt that heart tug for...a certain Earth boy...

She crossed her arms on the balcony and just sighed. It felt good to be away from her responsibilities. Star would've given up her crown to be that happy-go-lucky rebel princess that didn't care about anything but having fun with her best friend again.

She noticed a flap of paper on the floor and was surprised to see an envelope with her name on it.

She picked it up and her breath caught when she recognized his slanting hand-writing.

She pulled out a piece of paper and unfolded it.

Dear Star,

I don't know when we'll see each other again but I hope it's soon. You know, I miss you...I wish you'd visit. I mean I'd go visit you but my dimensional scissors that I earned from Heckapoo seemed to have magically disappeared and I can't seem to find any way to contact you I mean not even Tom will take me to see you because you're always busy. I guess that's valid but still....but seriously if you somehow find this, please come see me. We haven't talked in six years and even before you left, you were all distant and weird and kinda mopey. Also Janna told me you joined her cult or something? Anyways, the real point of this letter besides hoping you'll drop by is that Jackie and I are engaged! Yup! I finally popped the question! Or well if you don't know what that means, it means I asked her to marry me. So enclosed in this very envelope is an invitation to our wedding. Again, please come see us!

Yours nachofully,

Marco Diaz

Star closed the letter and exhaled on the breath she didn't even know she had been holding.

Her breath shook as she sluggishly pulled out the invitation.

Her nose burned and she could barely read it without squeezing her eyes shut so the tears wouldn't spill.

Her body went numb as she read the date and she fell to the ground, her fingers crushing the letters.

"I summon the all seeing eye, to tear a hole into the sky. Reveal to me what is hidden. Show to me what is forbidden"

Star quickly mumbled. She looked up and saw Marco.

He had grown up quite handsomely which made Star's heart beat faster.

He wore a bright smile and was staring at someone. Happy tears ran down his face and Star tore her gaze away, knowing who they were for.

Star blasted her trusty cloud into existence and hopped on, racing towards the only church she knew was in Echo Creek.

As Cloudy flew with the speed of ten Warnicorns, gray thunder clouds gathered around Star. The dark magic she had tried so hard to resist was filling her heart and clouding her judgement.

Cloudy landed near the side of the church and disappeared as Star jumped off.

Star had formed many plans formed along the way in order to stop the wedding but as she peeked into a side window, she saw Marco.

He seemed as happy as the day when Jackie accepted to be his date for the school dance ten years ago.

Marco's smile was so big and wide that Star could see his very pink gums from twenty feet away. She tried to breathe as she watched him make his vows. 

Ten years ago, Marco annoyed Star as he practiced every spare moment he could find for his vows for Jackie because he was so sure she was the one and now Star mouthed along silently, tears slipping down her red cheeks because she knew he meant every word.

Now as they kissed, Star quickly fumbled to find her dimensional scissors in the folds of her dress. She couldn't break down now and risk someone seeing her.

Finally, she found it and cut open a portal. As she stepped through, someone called her name.

She knew exactly who it was and wanted so much not to look back but her desire to see him was too strong.

She turned around, immediately catching his eye. Everyone stared at her in awe. Some of them hadn't seen her since she left and was surprised she was back but most of them just had never seen a real Queen before.

Marco stepped forward, still shocked but that typical Marco Diaz smile broke through, piercing her already breaking heart.

"Star! Y-You're here! How are you? You, just beautiful! I can't believe you found my invitation! Oh, wait, does this mean you also saw my letter? God, that's embarrassing," Marco rambled on as he walked to her.

His arms were outstretched for a hug and Star knew if she even touched him, she would fall into his arms and confess everything she's been holding close to her heart for years.

"Uh, hey, Wild...M-Marco...I actually have to go now. You know, queenly responsibilities and what not," Star giggled, nervously.

"Oh, hey, no. Come on! We haven't seen each other since graduation! Stay for the reception!" Marco insisted.

"I-I can't....I'm sorry, Marco..." Star whispered.

And with that, Star stepped through the portal and closed it, leaving her best friend to wait for her with no knowledge of when she'll be back once again.

Sorry this took forever I had a hard time writing it lol

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2017 ⏰

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