Chapter 11: Security

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I woke up the next morning and Xavier was gone. Luke stood next to the bed on his side staring at me. He smirked at me as I got out of his bed.

"What are you smirking about?" I asked while I was yawning.

"Oh nothing just the fact that yesterday you couldn't be in a room alone with Xavier and now." He gestured to the bed.

"Oh shut up Luke it means nothing."

He nodded his head slowly and walked out of the room.

"I will be downstairs." He said in a sing-song voice.

I got showered and got dress quickly. I found myself thinking about Xavier and where he was. As I ran downstairs hoping he was waiting for me. I frowned as the only person I saw was Luke.

"Oh don't frown, he will be back soon." Luke said passing me a bowl of what looked to be oatmeal.

"What is this?" I asked pushing the spoon around in the bowl.

"It's porridge, you Americans call it oatmeal I believe." I took a bit and surprising it was just as good as oatmeal. Luke slid me some fresh toast with jelly and butter down the inland along with some coffee.

"Thanks." I said taking another bite. "So umm where is Xavier?" I asked taking a sip of coffee.

"He is handling some business with Cullen. Hopefully he is back before night fall." He said.

"You hope..." I said as a strange feeling filled my chest. I didn't want to Xavier to get hurt.

"Well yeah he should be fine. I mean he isn't the god of the nest for no reason." He said unsurely.

"You sound very unsure of yourself. Where is Xavier going?!" I yelled standing up.

"He is going to handle business that has to do with Cullen."


"No need to raise your voice. Come one lets go in the living room." I followed Luke into the living room.

"Now tell me." I said sternly the second we sat down.

"Alright let's start with some history. This house was built pacifically for demons to be more specific Gods like Xavier. We have a very extreme security system in place here to protect said god. The fact that Cullen got pass not one but all three measures without us knowing is near impossible. The only two people that should be able to break through the security are Xavier and I." He said.

"Wait so what are you saying?"

"Alright so the first measure is simply you get stopped before you reach the door by four highly trained Demons. Their training is equal to what you American call navy seals and now add the demon in them and you got a whole new solider. Now if you somehow are able to slip past the guards that are patrolling 24/7 then you have made it to the door. Now you know about the doors they will not open unless a Demon commands them to. There are more to the doors then that. There is an electronic hand print scanning cover every inch of the door not seen by the visible eye. It test your body temperature and over various body parts. Now if you get pass that which no one has been able to get pass the first measure then that's when I come in. It is my job to protect and serve Xavier and I get sent messages to my phone the second somebody steps inside of this house. The house itself will protect Xavier if needed to it has a ton of military grade weapons in its system and if it detects a threat to Xavier it will protect him at all cost."

"Can't Xavier just protect himself?" I asked. Why need so many security measures if Xavier is a god?

"That's because the measures aren't just to protect Xavier but to protect us from him too. This is where the danger is with demons, the difference between wolves in demons. Wolves can control themselves unless influenced by the full moon. Am I correct?"

I nodded my head.

"See us demons have no control of the demon inside until we find our mate. Now regular demons we are fine without them for a while but Xavier he is a under god. His power is a gift and curse he can't control him as good as we can. He needs someone else to be there, he needs his mate. Without her he is lonely his Demon becomes restless he is already a god so the demon inside doesn't need to praise hades. So there is no release for him he is bottled up inside and if giving the chance will come out. And he will come out with a vengeance, hurting, attacking even killing anything insight."

"Is that why he tried to kill you that day?" I asked.

"Yeah, the demon inside of him didn't like that you liked me better then Xavier but I see that has change." Luke winked at me and I blushed.

"Wait a minute we are way off track. What does this have to do with Cullen?"

"If Cullen was able to get into your room without Xavier, the guards or me knowing he would have to be more powerful than me. This would be impossible because he doesn't have a title."

"Wait, so you can't kill or protect me from Cullen?" I asked the worriedness setting in.

"Kill him, no protect you possibly. He isn't stronger then Xavier that much we know but we still are going to need help defeating him. People are saying that he is starting an army."

"When did my life become a part of twilight. I mean it may not be demons but the guy name is Cullen..."

"Don't worry Riley, Xavier will not let anyone hurt you and he will stop at nothing to keep you safe."

"I know it took me a while but I know now..." I mumbled.

"I'm glad you understand that is why he is going to the high werewolf council to receive back up."

I jumped up from my spot in the chair and faced Luke.

"He is doing what?!?!?!?!!!?!?!?" I screamed.



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