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i wake up to see jack facing me i smile at him and slide into my wheel cair beside the bed , last night i wake up at two with one of my worset nightmares so far , i roll into the kitchen and grab something from the frige to eat, i hear the shower turn on,i guess jacks up i keep eating the left over pizza from the outher day a pain shoots trugh my leg, i hiss in pain, well painkiller time 

i tried to get them off the counter, key word tried

i hear jack cruches behind me and him chuckle

"jack help me or i will brake YOUR hip" i whine, he rolls his eyes and gets me two out, i swallow them dry

"so whats happing today" he asks

"well were going to see zack and then we both have a doctors appontment"

"do we gotta go to the opentment?" he whines

"jack barrakat you have a cuncusion yes they need to see how your brains doing" he shighs and hobbles off to change

i just change my shirt

i learned that i can go to physcal thearpy next week, i also got prsyribed some medcations for my nightmares


"oh my god jack" i say jumping in the wheel chair

"sorry any way lets go"

"yeah but i got some more meds" i sigh

"whats is it for" 

"night terrors"

"oh OH ohhhh..."

nightmares/ a jalex fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now