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Kevin was sitting in his study, feeling more and more sick as he waited for Natalie's arrival.

Eddward frowns. "Are you feeling alright, Young Master?" he asks.

"I don't know... I feel weird. I can't put my finger on it though. Maybe I just need to eat, could be the meds I'm on. No more pain pills unless it's absolutely necessary."

Eddward nods. "Of course, Young Master. Would you like your lunch early?" he asks.

"Yes, please. Something light on the stomach, if you would."

He smiles. "Some broth then, sir?" he asks.

"Yes please... and stop calling me 'sir' and 'Young Master' when we are alone!" Kevin grumbled.

"I'm afraid I can't do that" he says walking out.

Kevin groaned loudly and threw a crumpled up paper at the door Eddward just vacated. He groaned again when he eventually saw the carriage pull up and Natalie get out. Rolling his eyes, he turned back to his desk and lay his head down on his arms.

Natalie and Marie make their way to the front door as Eddward walks back in. "Here you are, Young Master. Broth and some buttered bread, please eat slowly" he says. "Also, your guest is here, shall I show her in?"

"I guess... I would prefer to not see anyone today but I guess I have no choice, right?" Kevin sits up and puts some broth in his mouth.

"Yes, I'm sorry Young Master. I did fight for you if it helps...?" It was true, he had tried hard to deter Natalie from coming over but for some reason she just wouldn't listen.

"Yeah, thanks Eddward. Please see her in."

He nods and takes his leave, only to come back moments later and usher in Natalie. "Oh Kevin! Darling, are you alright?" she asks as she rushes in.

"I'm fine, Natalie... I just don't feel good and I'm injured so no touching" Kevin sat back with a sigh and laid his head back as Natalie dotted over him. "It's okay Marie. You can relax and walk around" Natalie said calmly.

Marie nod stiffly and walks with Eddward. "I do apologize I won't be much company" he says as he limps towards the kitchen.

"I can go about myself. Do you need some help? You seem a bit injured..."

"I assure you I am fine, thank you" he says not wanting to be touched. "If you would like to walk around the Estate, be my guest... I am going to go lie down" he says gratefully.

"I'll just walk around. No worries" Marie smiles as she leaves his side to explore more of the Barr Estate. She had been walking for some time before she heard hushed voices. Sneaking closer she hears "...yeah, got it in their breakfasts and lunches..." And then another voice "The Master will be pleased." Confused, but getting the impression she tuned into something she shouldn't have and turned to leave quietly.

Finally able to relax a bit, Marie was taken care of and so was the Kevin. He would hear the bell if anything was needed, so while he got uncomfortable leaving those two alone, he was able to relax and rest a bit.

Marie turned quickly and tried to make it out of earshot as quietly as possible. She turned down a few corridors before she took off in a run, she had to get to the Head Butler or Eddward, they would know what to do! She passed the storage room and saw movement. She stopped and saw Giles. "Head butler! Sir!" she panted.

Giles jumps and yelps "Ah! My dear girl, how may I help you?" he asks.

"I hear-I heard... there has b-... there may have been an attempt at both your Masters lives..." Marie coughed as she caught her breath.

His Butler, His LoverWhere stories live. Discover now