A Deadly Secret- Chapter Seven

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Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I've been busy and I know that's not an excuse so I'm sorry. I promise to upload quicker. Hope you guys like this chapter! She met Kasper finally! Remember to vote, comment, and if you like the story become a fan! Your suggestions would really be appreciated!!

Celina <3


A Deadly Secret

*Chapter Seven*

I was surrounded by darkness, my vision was cut off, my hearing was impaired, and my body was paralyzed. I couldn't feel anything, as I was trapped in this state. I heard the blood pounding in my ears, but other than that I could only hear a soft whisper echoing over and over again in the back of my mind. His name stayed there, swirling into all of my thoughts. Then suddenly I could hear again, but only his voice. It was imprinting itself into the back of my brain, his voice clear as he told me his name. The power of his words, so strong and devastating to my heart that they caused my mind to shut down and rest in this peaceful yet haunting place. I wanted to remain here, yet at the same time I wanted to escape and never return. Since I couldn't see or hear others as they swarmed around my body frantically in panic as I lay on the ground, dead to the world, all I could do was think.

To me, that was like a cruel punishment. I mean, of course I think, but when I have a large amount of free time, my brain starts to reconstruct the images of my mother, and our final conversation. Every time this happened my heart ripped its self in two, throbbing in pain at the loss of my mom. I guess this time my heart couldn't fight off the ache that slammed into it. I knew that this would happen though. Sooner or later, I would mentally be too weak to deal with all this and I would give up. Maybe not completely, but I would take a break from my life, if that makes any sense at all.

Slowly I started to see faint images of my mom, and I prepared myself, trying to cleanse my mind of these thoughts and pictures. The image of my mom became more defined, and I could feel daggers stabbing at my heart. I still couldn't see her face and not fall apart, even now. I tried to brace myself, but I miserably failed.

Some of my senses started to come back and I could feel something wet trickling down my face. My throat went dry and it became harder for me to breathe. My whole chest tightened up, as my body began to react to the lack of oxygen. I choked, my body yearning for the air it desperately needed. My heart rate seemed to speed up as I fought for my breath and I could faintly hear his voice calling out to me, begging for me to snap out of it. I tried moving my hand and when I could, I reached out, grabbing onto someone's shirt, and yanking them towards me. I just prayed that they understood what was happening to me, as my throat started to feel even more constricted. But then my heart stopped all together. It was only for a split second, but I felt and heard it. It wasn't because I was dying, but because my body jolted with shock.

Somebody's lips were pressed down onto mine, desperately blowing air into my mouth. The surprise of feeling someone's mouth on mine, made my eyes snap open and I gazed at the face that was hovering an inch above mine. My eyes widened and I had to blink a few times, my mouth opening and closing. Looking at me with panic and concern was Kasper. I could tell by how his eyes were darker than Luke's.

I gazed at him for a moment not knowing whether to be frightened by him, or to feel comfortable and secure. My mom never said who he was, and what he was going to do. I didn't know what his purpose in my life was going to be, but I knew there was going to be one. My heart was flipping, and I ignored the feeling, not understanding why my body was reacting so weird to our close proximity.

I moved my eyes away from him to look into faces full of concern and worry. Luke was on the other side of Kasper, glaring at his brother. I shifted uneasily, uncomfortable with being trapped beneath him. Kasper realized this, and quickly stood up, sitting next to me. Luke grasped onto my hand and I could see all of the worry clouding his eyes. Finally, he decided to break the silence.

"Anna, what the heck happened?" he blurted out, a deep crease in between his eyebrows forming.

I looked around me at all the other students, and closed my eyes, gulping in air. This was a great first day. I always make the most excellent first impressions. What could be better than the new girl blacking out in the hallway and almost suffocating herself with her thoughts. I knew I couldn't tell them right here and now, but I also knew that I couldn't avoid telling them the truth. If they didn't already know, which I wasn't so sure about. When Luke had told Kasper my name a look of recognition and surprise flashed in his eyes. Of course, he quickly hid it, but I had noticed it.

I stared up at the two brothers, almost glaring at them.

"I'll tell you two later. In private."

They both looked at each other, then nodded. They stood up, Kasper reaching his hand out to me. I grasped onto it, and almost let go when I felt a shock of electricity pass between us. I looked into his eyes, not knowing what I was searching for. He flickered his gaze away from, all of a sudden becoming fascinated by the floor tiles.

Ooh, they did have purple and black in them. They were nice, black, and then blue and purple flecks covering it. I could understand why he found this so intriguing. The way the colours blended together was amazing, and it looked so smooth and polished. I reached my hand down to touch the floor. It looked shiny and I couldn't resist. The floor was cold on my fingertips, and I shivered from the temperature.

"Anna, may I ask what you are doing?" Luke questioned.

I looked at him, and then back at my hand. I also looked at all the other kids around us. My face flushed in embarrassment from my stupidity and easy amusement. That was a new thing they could add on now. New girl blacks out, almost suffocates, and then starts feeling the floors! I should pat myself on the back right now. Uncle Mike would certainly be impressed with this story.

All of a sudden a bell went off, and everyone started mumbling and moving away from me, heading off to class. Luke stood in front of me, while I searched around for Kasper, who had mysteriously vanished.

"I'll meet you after class, alright?" he asked, worry still clear on his face.

I nodded my head and he to smiled at me before walking off down the hall, to I assume was where his next class was.

I started walking to where Blake had told me my next class was. He had wanted me to know in case he wasn't there to help guide me to my classes.

I was walking down the hall, trying to forget my scene back there when a door opened and a hand shot out latching onto my arm. Another hand covered my mouth and pulled me into a dark closet.

Oh great, they get to add another one now! New girl blacks out in the hall, almost suffocates, starts feeling the floors, and then gets kidnapped! Honestly, what else is there!

The light flickered on and I looked up.

Well, there's also this.


Hope you guys like!! Remember comment vote do whatever! I wonder who it is? Could be Blake, Luke, Kasper, or maybe theres someone else! Maybe its a girl...

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